First thread i start here
This is a model i've doing in my spare time for a game called 1944
(there are some mirroring errors, can't get 3dsmax working well with mirrored UVWs and normal maps
Polycount: 5200 tris.
Textures: 1024*1024 Normal map
Looks good man, though I'd suggest trying to find a better viewer to show off the normals.
The cab seems slightly large, and the "A" pillars fromthe hood (bonnet), to the roof seem a little too thick.
Not here, how the roof is not flat, but slopes gradually up as it moves back from the windshield.
Here's a Blueprint image showing the relative tire size compared ot the fender and the windshield. The body though is for the Fire Engine body, bot the utility body.
A command post on the truc bed on a standard utility body, Note the thin ness of the roof and the "A"pillars, as well as the shape and epth of the cab.
You have a good start there, you just need to ckeck your proportions against the photos, the same as you would ifyou were modelling a realistic human.
But I'd suggest a bit more work in proportions as well.
Here's an excellent front shot, showing the true shape of the window and the lateral thickness of the "A" pillares on either side. The Italian troops in the back for scale.
Also note the shape of the radiator is more of a rounded house shape, than a half circle round asyou have on the model.
It looks very nice though, but that's just me 2 cents!
that's really lookin nice,normals/model-wise.
tweak the mesh a bit with the new-found ruggels awesomeness,
and that's all set.
the textures are really close, but there's a lot of really cool details that you could add, along with some spec/reflect in choice spots. could you post those and explain how you're doin that? :]
keep updating us PLEASE ( u know what i mean )