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GDC 2006 info up

polycounter lvl 18
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arshlevon polycounter lvl 18

looks like i might be going this year since i am in california.. here is some info off gamasutra

The official GDC 2006 website is now open, and some of the first sessions to be announced include the latest "Game Design Challenge", to be presided over by gameLab's Eric Zimmerman, and with a to-be-announced all star designer panel throwing out ideas on "designing a game that could win the Nobel Peace Prize."

Also revealed are sessions such as Stephen Rubin's "Crazy Taxi v. Simpsons Road Rage: Litigating a Gameplay Method Patent", which is billed as "a unique opportunity to hear from lead trial lawyers in the Sega Crazy Taxi case what is really at stake when a developer is sued for patent infringement", "Valve's Design Process for Creating Half-Life 2" by Valve's Brian Jacobson, plus a talk on "Next-Generation Inspirations" from Peter Molyneux, and the mysterious "Will Wright Talk", for which no further information is currently given. ---


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