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New site is up

polycounter lvl 20
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Sage polycounter lvl 20
Hi, finally updated my site. Let me know what you think. Thanks.



  • Zeldrik
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    Zeldrik polycounter lvl 18
    the image rollover for wireframes seems buggy, wasnt working properly for me in IE
    Also it would be nice if you could get a bigger render by clicking on it or something.

    I do like how its all there soon as you load up though.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    I updated the code for the site and fixed the rollover issue with the grenade launcher not working when the sites loads up at first. Thanks for the feedback Zeldrik.

  • Bronco
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    Bronco polycounter lvl 18
    hey alex.

    hows it going?

    I like the site...also I like the roll over thing,wonder where ya got that idea from? smile.gif.

    No bugs in terms of the viewing for me on AOL browser.

    I would add some hi-poly stuff...or do an Age of Empires type of thing....low poly unit with normal map and stuff if you wnat it to be consistent with the other stuff you have on display.
    The only crit I have is the fact there are no textureflats atool.

    What you could do without ruining the site to much is make the images clickable which then shows the texture flats.

    Hope ya know what I mean.

    Good work.

  • PolyMonkey
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    PolyMonkey polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Sage,

    Overall the site works. I did have a problem with the rollover to wireframe on the Adat. As it was loading I rolled over it and it never went back to the texture view. The only other feedback I have is I would rather have a button to toggle from wireframe to texture view. Not just the whole image causing it to jump back and forth.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Works great, Alex. I tested in IE, Netscape and FoxFire, and didn't notice any problems. Maybe add a little text at the top that says “mouse-over images for wires and details". One thing, because when you mouse-over the images change, this makes is difficult (impossible?) for an employer to save the textured shots. Also, there is no watermark (email) on those images. You may consider simplifying your site for this without the auto-mouse-overs.

    My biggest criticism, however, is variety. Mostly everything is a cartoony, low-end vehicle. With the popularity of realism in this now higher detail gaming industry, your content may be limiting.
  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    Definitely let people know about the mouseover. Or, if you did, please make it more apparent. I looked at it as if I were looking through a few hundred portfolios for a potential position and just clicked though. I didnt see any text that screamed at me to read it, so I did not.

    I disagree with chris. The work in there is top notch and there are only 2 cartoony pieces. It's well done textuire work and i think most companies will be aware of this. If the art you are showing is not in a style they deem appropriate for their game they will likely give you a test. It's clear you have a handle on texturing.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    Thanks for the feedback, as always very helpful. I'll be fixing up that rollover thing since I liked it better how I used to have it, and will be showing off the texture pages as well. I will be adding buttons that will show the wires, textured view and texture page. When I made my reel I was targeting the RTS games developers since those are my favorite games and would enjoy working on them. I'll be adding some humans in the future once I'm happy painting them from scratch. The next thing I'll be showing up there are a few environments, trees and normal maps.

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