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The Human Form - Male

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20
Talking with my good buddy Jelmer I've decided to post a male model I've been working on now for some time. I started it about 6 months ago as a side project to keep up with character models as I did environment contract work. Well, I'm at a point where I wouldn't mind some critism on the form of the body. Immediately I feel his legs are stumpy, but I *think* it may look that way due to the feet not being added on. If it is, however, off, I'd like to hear it. I'll post any shots needed to make this a better C&C.





  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    what's your reference? right now it really just looks like a huge undifferentiated mass of quads that aren't working towards much of any real conclusion... post a picture of the model without the wire on and i think it'll bear that out... right now there are whole lotta quads all at the same size and all not quite doing much as far as defining the shape.

    i think it'll be helpful for you to not only nail down on some good reference to work from, but especially having some good topology to learn from as well. open up a character from HL2 or any of the many models posted on here authored by pros and learn from that. think about edge loops, think about polygon flow--neither of which are much in evidence here. you've got a good start here with a lot of work, but glad to see you posting it.
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    Gah! It looks like it's one big extrude-a-thon! There's no real flow going on. Like, take the arms as an example. Anatomy is a very fluid, flowing thing. You have triceps, biceps, etc, clearly seperated from each other.


    See how the shapes in the arm go smoothly from one to another? That's what you're missing.

    Also, ribs aren't horizontal like that. They start high, dip WAY down, then come back up.

    Could you post some orthos?

    Yeah, I suck at writing critiques, but I hope that helped.
  • motives
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    motives polycounter lvl 18
    insert rick_stirling post about squares in characters here :
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    hey! that looks like my old stuff.

  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Just looking at this, what you need most is more experience modeling characters. Download SDKs, study wire frames, and character modeling tutorials for good characters. For example: http://www.xcloud.net/

    Then, remodel this character three or four times. By modeling a character over and over, form and mesh flow will start to make more sense to you. Additionally, it'll speed up your ability. Then, you'll be ready to pimp for criticisms on the things that slowed you down on that endeavorer. Remodeling the same character helped me more than anything when I recently got back in to them.
  • EarthQuake
    I wouldnt suggest modeling the same character, but doing human characters over and over is a good idea. I think modeling the same character will bore most people, well other than cheapie =)
  • CheapAlert
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    CheapAlert polycounter lvl 18
    hey, it worked for me after 3 attempts, look where i'm at now frown.gif
  • stoofoo
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    stoofoo polycounter lvl 18
    It's good that you are taking strides to improve your character art, Joi.

    You clearly have more geometry than you can handle right now. You have divided it far too many times it seems. You need to pay more attention to actual contour lines of the human anatomy. None of the forms are properly flowing into eachother. Ever been to a shop that sells fine meats and cheeses? Perhaps a deli? The effect the geometry has right now is not dissimilar to that of the sausage maker. All swelling up with meaty goodness when the guy running the machine gets distracted by the cute girl walking by, then skinny when he tries to correct the mistake. This leaves just a lot of not-so-rad sausages and a dude who did not get the attention of the nice lady walking by cause he's gotta spend time fixing the sausages. Please, no more sausages.

    Find one of the 3000 posts on Mr Rick Q. Sterling posted about proper curves. Follow the gausshog's advice about studying other models. It's not something that just comes naturally. You have to pay some attention to what your end result is. There will then be love. And cookies. Lots and lots of cookies. I'd like a cookie, so please study up.

    Do some drawings! Get some ref! Stay in school! Don't do drugs! Stop looking at your feet! Wear a condom! Save the whales! Play with kittens!
  • Malengine
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    Malengine polycounter lvl 18
    Pretty good start, Adam. I can't add much to what was already said, except that you should perhaps be attentive to what was already said.

    (I will now disappear into a cloud of smoke for another 2 years)
  • Jelmer
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    Jelmer polycounter lvl 17
    Malengine! My first sdk skin ever was for one of your quake 3 models, stay ffs! wink.gif Where are the updates Bromester? =]
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