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disgusting coworkers



  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    XDDDD I'm now working at house so i could not see something like all you laugh.gif. This is one of the multiple advantages of working with too many people.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    By far the worst experience was lifting it up to find what can only be described as a mixture of urine, blood (I don't want to know how they achieved this feet), and crap across the bottom surface...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know you said you didn't want to know, but I think I have an idea I felt like sharing..... wink.gif
    Since you said you are one of the few 'guys', I'm going to assume this a unisex bathroom. This leads me to believing that the 'mixture' comes one week a month... I'm sure you can figure out from there.
    The crap underneith, is likely a diarrhea hit.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    I know where it came from...but I don't want any ideas of how they accomplished getting it on the bottom of the seat and not the top or something... >_<
  • Zergxes
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    Zergxes polycounter lvl 18
    I used to have the worst job at a Honda dealership.

    Restroom detail was among my duties. One day, I had to clean an amazing ammount of blood off the UNDERSIDE of the women's toilet seat. It looked like a Civil War operating table.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    I took Classes at De Anza College for Animation in the early 90's. A female friend in class cam out looking like she was gonna puke. Apparently female students from a foreign country, used to "Squat Toilets", or "Pit Toilets" would stand on the seat and let fly. Poor aim made the stalls nearly unuseable, so she made sure that the used the Facilities at Hobees in the Oak Ridge Mall across the street from the campus.

    I've recieved a couple of reports from friendsin the army about the "Phantom Shitter". Different bases, and different times, where either someone succumbs to a bizzare fetish, or "snaps" in basic, and when noone is watching, 'The Phantom" enters the Day Room in the barracks and shits all over the walls, the furniture, the VCR, the Tapes, the Magazines, the Pool table, and leaves. Needless to say this pissed people off, but no one figured out who it was, ans sometimes the expressed some admiration for the ingenuity and cleverness of the destruction, though being without their pool table and TV, made them very grumpy.

    For me, the worst job had nothing to do with shit, and everything to do with 12 hour days at 10.75 an hour, with poor air conditioning and shitty co-workers, with a 5 year prison term for simple counting errors, during my last absense from this board.

  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    wow, five years in prison Scott. that must have been tough.
    I would probably last a day

    The question is, were the toilets clean in there?

    I was in the military police briefly and the toilets were always spotless. The army does n't stand for dirty habits.
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    May have something to do with soldiers having to clean out their toilets themselves once or twice a day.
  • Scott Ruggels
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    Scott Ruggels polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    wow, five years in prison Scott. that must have been tough.
    I would probably last a day

    The question is, were the toilets clean in there?

    I was in the military police briefly and the toilets were always spotless. The army does n't stand for dirty habits.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, it was 5 years if you commit a simple counting error. the Job was actually 1 year, (Well amonth short of 1 year as a driver for an armoured Car company called ACS out of Santa Clara. Terrible job, the best parts were freeway driving and carryinga gun. The worst parts were the pay, and the awful toilets in the fast food restaurants in the Oakland Ghettos. Butal.

  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    Terrible job, the best parts were freeway driving and carryinga gun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought pretty much everyone does that in southern California.
  • Spoon_of_death
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    Spoon_of_death polycounter lvl 17
    I used to work at a recreational park, this one time a group of african people visited because some sort of foundation gave them a free vacation to make them forget their problem in their own country... They rented a large group cabin with a large bathroom(about 4 toilets and urinoirs). After one week they left and were supposed to clean up their rooms et cetera. So that afternoon the cleaners went in and found something horrible...
    When they opened the bathroom door there were piles of shit in every f'ing urinoir and half of it was on the ground and they pissed in the corner of one wall so after one week there was this disgusting pool of piss and poop in the entire bathroom... They didnt seem to know how a 'normal' toilet worked!!! Seriously the most disgusting thing ive ever seen in my life!
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    May have something to do with soldiers having to clean out their toilets themselves once or twice a day.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not as much anymore as I understand it. Believe it or, its outsourced. I think its still done sometimes as punishment though.

    Recent Vets? Yea or nea?
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    if you thought, the grass is greener and the poop less disgusting in highend film effects, read on about ILM's (Industrial Light & Manure's) secret poopin' practices:

    and don't miss the survey about the best VFX bathrooms, WETA doesn't make it into the top five this time...
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    You guys have not seen a disgusting toilet until you see some of the toilets along the mountain passes. One time on a trip back from Oregon I stopped at this rest stop along a mountain side I forget the name of, the toilet had no plumbing, istead, under the seat was the gaping maw of a deep dark pit with a HUGE mound of feces slowing inching it's way to the surface. Must've been 30 feet deep!! Oh and the toilet seat was covered in shit as well. I decided to walk behind a few trees instead.
  • Mark Dygert
    On Friday we moved our offices from upstairs to down. There happens to be one tech who normally as a bit of a funk surrounding him but he sits far away from everyone so no once complains much. Now toss in the fact that he is a packrat and had a TON of stuff to move. He had a big fat swamp of stank that followed him where ever he went and it stayed and seemed to grow in stankness even after he left. We had to fumigate the elevator when he took his last load down. He was sent home early...

    I kind of feel bad for him, because he is pretty quite and generally a pleasent guy (except for the funk). But it’s not like he didn't have a MONTH to prepare. Hell he could have even ran out to the store and picked up some anti-stink-stick at the first whiff of trouble. We all thought that he has been so funky for so long that he doesn't care, or doesn't notice. Hopefully a manager clueing him into the fact that the fog around him is coming from his pits, will make things more bearable. I know I am bringing a can of air freshener in and a can of deodorant, next time I go into work. If he stinks half as bad as he did on Friday I'll hose him down. I left work with a huge headache, and more than likely the place will still stink when we get back in. There is no excuse for it, what with modern plumbing and advancements in under arm technology.

    Your co-workers should never have to taste your stink...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I sit across from a cube that is reserved for Indian outsource groups. They do some programming work there every day. Occasionally, there is one woman who gets a stink so bad that I have to exit my cube. Now, just to clarify a bit, I don't have a normal cube. My cube is about double the depth of a normal cubical space... roughly 12ft deep or so. I sit the furthest in possible. I actually wonder sometimes if she KNOWS she stinks, because she seems to pick those days to walk in and out of her cube. When she does this, she swings a scarf around to adjust it every time she leaves, which pushes a wall of stink into my cube. I don't know what is in her stink, but it instantly pisses me off every time she does it.

    As for the ILM report, it really goes to show where society is. I mean look at all these stories. Everyone seems to have encountered some sort of fecal terrorism. It's not an isolated incident.
  • kleinluka
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    kleinluka polycounter lvl 18
    i dont poop at work :P
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    hmm 'african' 'indian' people eh?
    why mention where they are from?. it sounds a bit like , ohh those foreigners don't know how to use tolilets properly!.

    It like when people mention they got mugged by a black guy.
    yeah I got mugged 'and' he was black.as if to say Yeah They Are all like that.

    Conversely a converation might follow, 'yeah he shat in my cube, but he was white and midle class , so its ok man.
    (Bless him, he was just expressing himself)
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    hmm 'african' 'indian' people eh?
    why mention where they are from?. it sounds a bit like , ohh those foreigners don't know how to use tolilets properly!.

    It like when people mention they got mugged by a black guy.
    yeah I got mugged 'and' he was black.as if to say Yeah They Are all like that.

    Conversely a converation might follow, 'yeah he shat in my cube, but he was white and midle class , so its ok man.
    (Bless him, he was just expressing himself)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, and identifing people's place of origin may lead you to discover their cultural practices that you don't like, and you know what that means if that happens-- you are a biggoted racist! Best to pretend everyone is the same.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    why mention where they are from?. it sounds a bit like , ohh those foreigners don't know how to use tolilets properly!.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Perhaps they don't. Some cultures still don't have indoor plumbing. So before anyone else replies and this conversation becomes another pointless race influenced flame war...shut up.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    well some cultures do have indoor plumbing , but still apparently shit on the walls. whats their excuse?

    Perhaps on seeing the state of the toilets, the african/indian guys thought it would be rude 'not' to shit on the floor walls etc.

    At our workplace they spent 6 months renovating the toilets, which were perfectly fine and now they get blocked nearly every day.
    One of my colleagues put up a radioactive symbol on one of the cubicles, it was that bad.
  • Mark Dygert
    And this thread just took a turn down ugly st. So when is it ok to discribe someone? I mean is it ok to discribe someone to another person? Or can we now only refer to people by last name and serial number?
    "You know Ben? The really tall guy?"
    "What do you mean by that, you got something agaist tall people!? You know they can't control how tall they are!"
    "No no, I was trying to jog your memory, he has brown hair and is the only guy on floor 9"
    "What you saying he's gay, what a straight guy can't get a job on floor 9"

    Where does it stop, there is using race to "fling poo" and there is just discribing someone. Maybe there was something slightly racist posted, or maybe it was just a discription. But lets just drop it k? If it was racist then that person needs to learn to deal with issues they have and keep them the F out of polycount.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    In some cases, I think prefacing a discussion on who smells like what by mentioning their culture is appropriate. You are what you eat, and certain dietary trends can result in different body oders. I am by no means a racist, but I noticed while working in the college computer labs that Indian consultants almost uniformly smelled - an almost acrid scent, very sharp and not pleasant. One guy was a friend of mine, very 'Americanized', and he was always doused in cologne. He and I talked about this once, and he attriubted it to Indian food - lots of spicy things, curry, etc. Even the small amount you might perspire while indoors is enough for a radically different body oder to be perceptible. He said he didn't really smell it (or didn't object, can't recall), but he was aware how us plain white folks felt and opted to cover himself with Old Spice.

    This isn't just a "Coming To America" phenomenon. A friend of mine spent five months in Japan on a co-op assignment and while there it was somehow conveyed to him that the Japanese think Americans smell like sour milk. Relative to Asians, Americans have an extremely high dairy content to their diets - lotsa milk, lotsa cheese, scoop upon scoop of ice cream, etc. If you're a plain white folks American and are only around people of a similar culture and thus diet, maybe the 'sour milk' smell is there and you don't notice because you're so accustomed to it. In Asia, however, it might be that you reek of milk in the same way that Indians may smell to American noses not acclimated to dinners of mater paneer.

    At any rate, I think it's an interesting cultural and physiological topic - race and racism really should have nothing to do with it.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    hahahaha, a joke about using race to "fling poo" in a thread about being disgusting.....I LOVE IT!!!
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    At any rate, I think it's an interesting cultural and physiological topic

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In other words, you are what you eat.
  • JKim3
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    JKim3 polycounter lvl 18
    In response to the "you are what you eat", some Chinese TV Chef once said, about 12 years ago, "I eat a lot of fish, but I can't swim."

    Watch out for falling Woks.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, I said that, too smile.gif The interesting part is *how* what you eat affects what you are. I read some speculation once that Asians might not have 'evolved' into as large a people as other races due to a lack of meat in the diet, particularly beef. Seems questionable to me, but there are lots of cultural implications that could come from such things. Look at the convenience food trend in America and the impact it has had beyond what's on your dinner menu. The entire fitness industry, the entire weight loss industry, the obsession with physical ideals, major lawsuits, rising health care costs... all things that might be different if Americans were required to spend an hour a day preparing food and had to get by on maintenance calorie diets rather than swinging by at the Burger Barn and consuming more saturated fat and simple carbs per meal than some cultures get in an entire week.

    If current western societal trends continue, it's possible that a few generations hence might view white people as the inherently 'fat race'. It'd not even a stretch to imagine that, you know? Unfortunately, as with most discussions on such topics, it's misperceiving culture as race. It still makes for a compelling discussion (IMO, at least).
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    If current western societal trends continue, it's possible that a few generations hence might view white people as the inherently 'fat race'. It'd not even a stretch to imagine that, you know? Unfortunately, as with most discussions on such topics, it's misperceiving culture as race. It still makes for a compelling discussion (IMO, at least).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ref: very very corny movie "The Muffin Man"
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    It does indeed, vermilion. Thanks for the good read smile.gif
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I would just like to clarify, I said nothing about the Indian employees not being able to use a toilet. I was refering to their lack of bathing and the B.O. you can smell. I mention the Indian part because this appears to be pretty common of people from this culture and it helps others understand what I am referencing. If they stunk because they were fat, I would have stated they were fat, so that people would understand that I believe it is associated with their weight. Hope that makes sense. I really don't get why SOME people are so race sensitive on these forums.
  • frosty
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    frosty polycounter lvl 18
    Lucky my Cube Mate is like me, she is pretty shy and silent. smile.gif
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    My old cubemate was like that. Took me forever to break him out of his shell so I had someone to talk to smile.gif
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