Hey guys
Having met far to many US polycounters and no EU counters (apart from Frankie and peppi) I figure I should come across the channel and say hi to whoever wants to say hi back

Well an oppotunity has finally arissen for Im going to Amsterdam on Friday 18th november for the weekend,flying back Lunch time on the 20th.
Was just wondering if theres any EU counters that may want to come out and play?
Im visiting with a group friends and celebrating a birthday. Though I don't doubt there will be plenty of drinking and proberly smoking we do also intend to fit more cultral stuff in like a visit to Anne Frank's House,the Heineken brewey and a boat trip down some of the canals.
My friends are well aware of my liking to meet strange artistic people whenever oppotunity presents itself and don't mind afew people coming along with us or me myself peeling off for afew hours to meet you guys.