I'll admit that even with the really hammy performances and cheesy dialogue (sounds like I'm describing an omlete here...) the original Saw is a guilty pleasure of mine. The concept was somewhat refreshing and I liked the ending.
The sequel in my opinion however is utter garbage. Even worse acting than before, stupider cops, etc. The magic was somehow lost with it not taking place largely in a more intimate area like the first. The 'twists' were very predictable and the feeling of dejavu on many of the scenes was all too present.
Two thumbs down.
Anyone else catch it?
I heard last night that 2 was good also. :O
i liked saw, but saw 2 IMO kinda sucked.
the characters were downright annoying the crap out of me... especially the drugdealer guy who was simlpy playing the role of a brainless idiot with an attitude problem. the cop (father) looked like he was going to fall asleep while talking all the time and i wish he had. most of the gore was totally unnecessary and seemed forced and in-your-face to give the movie that special 'shock effect' (I'm usually not an anti-gore person but all it did was made the movie look even cheaper).
how did the kid end up in that safe in the end? and how did the safe end up there with the cops...?
The concept was somewhat refreshing and I liked the ending.
[/ QUOTE ]
Refreshing? I don't see what's so refreshing about "borrowing" concepts from the movie "Seven," and then removing any semblance of a plot or character depth. I was told by almost everyone that it was a good movie with bad acting, but I think the whole thing was horrible. I watched it for the first time a couple weeks ago, and I could barely stand to finish it.
Of course, I'll probably still end up watching the sequel, I'm just not willing to pay for it. I guess when a friend or family member buys or rents it, I'll burrow it
I liked the fact that a great deal of the movie took place in a grimey bathroom and the killer gets away at the end, that's all.
SAW was great. But just watching the trailer for the sequel, I probably won't see this.
The safe was there the entire time - the kid was inside the entire time. Everything they watched on the monitors was pre-recorded.
I thought the second one was better than the first one. If I wanted top-notch acting I'd watch a movie geared towards that sort of thing. This one was an all-out fright fest.
Enjoyed it.
hmmmm weird though.
The intro was brutal. Having to cut your own eye our to survive? Not sure I could do it either....
or getting tossed into that pit of crack needles? Ugh...
**end spoiler**
Was enjoyable.
- BoBo