Anyone else pick this up? I know there's been tons of new releases lately, but couldnt resist the free t-shirt from my local game stop store... exit another $50 from my wallet.
anyhoo.. I've played some hours of both single and multi yesterday and it's good. Not groundbreaking or even different enough to bear the "2" moniker imo.. but CoD quality none the less. The new tech is purdy and there are some new gameplay elements such as the use of smoke, but dont expect a big leap from CoD. MP is as fun as ever and the new maps are pretty good. If you liked CoD and United Offensive then you'll like this one too.
I can't talk about mission design yet, but overall I would easily buy cod2 instead of doom3
edit: oh and it looks like the developers did a good amount of research on the historical background, that's good. GOOD!
Now I just imagine how cool it would be to have gamemechanics like those of Cod2 combined with good story telling!
I suggest you go and pick up the game today if you have the money
I thought fear was awful though. Could they have made the environmets any more blocky? and the shadows were blacker than night even on full brightness
Aside from that, it's as visceral as i could hope for, so it seems like money well spent so far
Played the multiplayer at a little lan get together the other night, and here's my initial take:
1. Shooting on the move. It seems quite a bit more difficult to shoot while on the move. The targeting reticule completely disappears while moving. This was annoying for my style of play, but does add to the realism. I was unable to zig zag charge opponents head on with a thompson and just mow them down. You are forced to flank more, or stop to shoot, in which case you are a sitting duck. I noticed quite a bit more sitting and camping from players, as they were unable to defend themselves while moving. Sure, it is more realistic, but this is hinders run and gun fireteams quite severely. I am very concerned about this change to the gameplay.
2. Environments. The maps have the best ambient feel to them of any multiplayer levels ever made. They are beautiful and well layed out. Smoke drifts out of bomb craters, flanking routes are improved over the original, and chokepoints have been reduced. Vegetation looks great, and the smoke is great.
3. Health auto healing. Now there is no health meter at all. You are either near death, in which case your breathing gets heavier and vision gets obscured, or you are at full strength. I seemed to heal up in about 10 seconds or so. Since I had taken close quarter gunning and health snatching to an art form in the original, this will really alter my gameplay style. It is MUCH more difficult to dance through multiple opponents killing and snatching health. Once injured, death is imminent for about 10 seconds, meaning that you may beat the first opponent or two, but after that you are pretty much doomed. In COD1, you had a health boost coming after every kill, which allowed a skilled close range gunner to go against numerous less skilled multiple oppents head to head and often win. In the original, I wouldn't even hesitate to go 3 on 1 head to head, as the odds were pretty even against soft competition. Sometimes I'd even pull of 6 to 1 odds. In COD2, 2 to 1 is something of a challenge, even against noobs.
4. Weapons. Some of the best weapons in any semi-realistic shooter. They have a nice feel, are fairly well balanced, and the sound is amazing. Some of the rifles seem overpowered. I seemed to be getting nailed with one shot kills even more than in COD1, where a Kar would cause 90% damage when you are at full health. Since everyone is at full health now due to auto-heal, rifles seem to drop you in one shot every time, to ensure riflemen get kills. Consequently, there are a lot more riflemen and long range dueling. This makes carrying an smg much less appealing, as rifle camping with a big crew is much more effective. The disappearing reticule while moving is my other gripe, particularly for the smgs.
All in all, I'm undecided. I should get a copy myself tomorrow, and will give it a real test. I am excited about capture the flag, which I have yet to try.
You'd think that they would try to minimize snipe camping, but this appears to encourage it.