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Stephen King writes comics

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  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Heh, that looks nifty... cool! smile.gif
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
  • Mark Dygert
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    All of his crap is the same, none of it is "scary". He has 2-3 stories he changes the names and faces of and whores it out again as new. Hopefully someone gave him this new idea and is letting him run with it... I bet he ties in one of the three plot lines he uses.

    Story #1: The author gets too close is either kidnapped turned to doing evil or tortured in some way.
    Secert window, Bag of Bones, Salems Lot, The Night Flyer, The shinning, The Dark Half, Missery, Delores Claiborne.

    Story #2: The Story flashes back to some gang of kids and some kind of evil they over came.
    IT, Stand by Me, Silver Bullet, Sometimes They Come Back, Salems Lot

    Story #3: A town or group of people is taken over by an evil force, mostly thru the use of bobbles or trinkets sold thru a newly opened store, or found in some odd place. The classic, "why can't anyone see what is wrong with this place" story.
    Salems Lot, Needful things, The Langoliers, Tommyknockers, Childern of the corn

    He lets his ghost writers mix and match but for the most part to put his name on the cover you have to sell the story out in some way to one of the above.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    you can take writers body of work, generalize the plots and do the same thing you're doing right now.

    The Dark Tower books don't fit into any of those categories by the way.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Hey, Vig, how about you go and write over 50 full-length novels which have no plot parallels at all, then come back and complain?

    Don't be stupid, of course if he's written that many books, some are gonna have similar themes, even if the actual story and characters themselves are very different.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    wow vig. First perhaps, you should read a summary of what you're bashing. Stephen King became one of my favorite authors just because of those books alone.

    As far as the news, I cant wait to read em. Art looks fantastic.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Vig, the Darktower isnt on that list. Why dont you read it first?

    Just let me say, though I do appreciate Lee's work. I dont think he's the man for the job. I think Mignola would be better.
  • Mark Dygert
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    oXY, that is why I have hope for his latest endvor. The art alone could carry the book and his name will sell well. I wasn't saying Dark Tower fits his mold, I was saying I hope he gives birth to something new instead of digging into is old bag of tricks.

    aesir, I have read everything I listed. I can go into great detail the simmilarities each story in each catagory has with each other but I really don't need to. Steven King has a wrap for being preditcable. If you think all his stuff is different, new and inovative you really haven't been reading closely have you? Some people love it. I personally don't like being able to guess what is going to happen 3 chapters ahead and be dead on. I think his stories are getting old and I want him to go back to breaking new ground like he did when he was hot. He might do this with Dark Tower, if so I might consider myself a fan again.

    (here I go pissing in MoP's corn flakes)
    MoP, He was one of my favorite's too until I started reading the same story for the 5th time and decided I had enough. Up until then he was a God among men. I also don't like how he claims to have written so many books. He has admitted in interviews that he has ghostwritters working for him "finishing books". I choose to believe Steven King is just a photo they slap on the back of any Modern Day Horor book that fits the mold.

    For being the "father of modern horor" he sure had a lot of twins. Its not bad, it just gets old for some people who have been fans for so long.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    All the Stephen King books I've read have sucked, yet there are so many good movie adaptations. I don't get it!
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Vig: I haven't read every last one of his books, but I've read quite a few, and so far I haven't come across any of this "same old story" stuff.

    As for "none of it is scary"... I don't find a whole lot of them scary (although Desperation really was, as were a couple of his short stories), but on the whole they tend to be gripping.

    You're certainly not "pissing in my corn flakes", as it were... just showing that you enjoy to generalise to a huge degree. Each to their own, I guess.
  • Mark Dygert
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    I have a large generalization shotgun and it sprays far and wide splattering many things with my "special" brand of logic =P
  • Leech
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    Leech polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think you are too far off Vig. To give this idea more weight, I've certainly heard others come up with their own theories about his stories running off the same plots.

    I would add Talisman to #2.

    I would also add The Stand to the unique category.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Just to list the obvious:

    The Running Man
    Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
    Apt Pupil
    The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
    The Green Mile
    Hearts In Atlantis
    The Stand
    The Dark Tower

    I'm also not sure how anyone can say that The Body/Stand By Me has kids overcoming some kind of "evil". Gordie pulls a gun on Ace, but that's about it. Ace might have been an asshole, but he's not Randall Flagg, yeah?
  • Dio
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    Dio polycounter lvl 18
    Its actually quite funny to see Vig diss Stephen King for using similar plot lines when we happen to be discussing Dark Tower related material. The Dark Tower series doesnt belong in any of the three catagories if not all of the three. The series is a self-defined intersection of all his works. Personally, I like being able to see whats coming three chapters in advance; strokes the ego when Im right and intrigues me when Im not.
    The comic will either be great or blow. My guess is it will fall short of fan expectations.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    the dark tower and eyes of the dragon are some of my favorites by king,

    i don't like lee as the artist i would prefer someone less likely to draw every character as a pretty boy stud, or hottie with heaving boobs as he is so likely to do. (oops i missread and thought we was tlking about jim lee, jae lee is much more apropriate, but still not my first choice)

    i like how the article refered to it as a ground breaking new comic, theres a lotta stuff being called ground breaking nowdays.. and really verry few things are
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