da da da da-da, i'm lovin it~
it frustrating as all hell, just like any GTA game should be!
I'm already liking the psp controls, only possible gripe would initially figuring out doing drive-bys in cars, feels a little odd at first.. driving the black mafia car is just as much fun as it was in gta3! and motorcycles work better in liberty city than i thought they would.
load times are wonderfully fast..
the speakers on the PSP are once again a letdown.. they make the radio stations more of an annoyance than a perk.. and one thing i'd wish R*'d included is the ability to completely turn off the stereo's, or something like that, as there are noticeable pauses and slowdown in gameplay when the game loads / unloads radio station audio data from the UMD
visually the game looks great, and even though the draw distance is a bit short at times, overall the presentation is done well enough that you don't notice it unless you're not paying attention to more important things, like the traffic ahead of you.
the new lock-on aiming system, which aims at enemies in order of danger to you (or something like that) is nice, and makes hectic gunfights a lot easier to manage.
one major complaint from my gameplay experience so far is that whoever was in charge of the cops / enemies ability to pull you from cars / bust you was asleep at their desk. even at 4+ stars in the previous GTA's i was able to get into a vehicle and get some distance between myself and the pigs, but this time around *if* i'm able to make it to a car / bike when there's a few cops around, i'm almost instantly busted.
oh yah, and someone needs to shoot the weatherman at R*, cause it rains way too damn much in LC for my tastes

to the R* employees here on polycount that contributed to GTA:LCS, aces on another fine product, guys! pass my compliments on to the rest of your crew at work!