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polycounter lvl 18
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Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
wow.. this movie was not nearly as terrible as i thought it would be, i actualy enjoyed watching it, it was far from a "good" movie, but completely aceptable. and there was no bullet time! aND no romance!


  • AstroZombie
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    AstroZombie polycounter lvl 20
    Bah! No bullet time and no romance?!?! WTF ever I'll skip this one wink.gif
  • TelekineticFrog
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    TelekineticFrog polycounter lvl 18
    I'll admit it...I had fun watching this too. It really wasn't as bad as I was led into thinking it was going to be. It has some holes, but every movie does. (like the sewer scenes...that much water on mars?!, i mean i know people would need water to live there but i would think a high tech space facility would conserve water a lot better than having open sewers) Overall though it was fun. I think if you don't go into it expecting something that it wasn't ever going to be you'll enjoy it.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    My brother really wants to see it so I'm probably going to go with him. On a side note, I tend to really like a movie after seeing it in the theater only to realize how much it sucks a week or so later. I think the whole emersive theater experience gets me all hyped up. I'd like to apologize about being such a dick when I was arguing in favor of "Land of the Dead" a little while back.
  • Zergxes2
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    Zergxes2 polycounter lvl 17
    No romance? So there was no man-on-mancubus action, eh? Strangers in the night...
  • KMan
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    KMan polycounter lvl 18
    Stay for the credits. They are just as much fun as the movie is.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    we also learn that some where between now and 2020 hand held game systems start getting larger, like the size of a lunch box, and the graphics on them revert back to being almost as good as "defender"
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i have a buddy who sent me some vfx shots.. all i kept thinking was.. why in hell does the pinky deamon have a segway for hind legs.. and i thoght the imps looked slighty unimpressive compared to kenneth scotts designs.. with that in mind.. couldnt the doom art team give them the high poly models they used for the normal maps? the shots i seen are not nearly as cool as his designs.. but i know that really dosent impact the movie that much. i also hear there is a FPS "sequence" in the film.. did they manage to pull that off?? it sounded really retarded to me..
  • Paul Jaquays
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    Paul Jaquays polycounter lvl 19
    There seemed to be very little CG used on critters in this movie. I think the Pinky demon may have been the only one. Most of the rest is rubber suits. I was blown away by how much the sets resembled the bits and pieces of maps that I worked on back in the day. Even the exterior shots looked like stuff Seneca Menard had made for the game.

    Spoiler warning ... spoiler warning ... spoiler warning

    I was ironically amused by the "science-fictionizing" of the Doom "demons." The only "supernatural" element in the movie was that one of the marines was a Christian (of the self-flagellating kind that went out of style in the middle ages). One of my objections to the Doom project at id was the whole focus on the monsters being demons, but a total unwillingness to include forces of "Good" who had spiritual inclinations. There could be demons from Hell in the game, but no mentions of faith or God, especially not for the hero. Kind of ironic that the media impression that will have the most impact on the general public is almost EXACTLY the opposite.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    One of my objections to the Doom project at id was the whole focus on the monsters being demons, but a total unwillingness to include forces of "Good" who had spiritual inclinations. There could be demons from Hell in the game, but no mentions of faith or God, especially not for the hero.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's about the only thing about the DOOM universe that makes it cool and unique tongue.gif
    If it wasn't like that it would be either a normal humans VS aliens or saints VS deamons storyline confused.gif
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with most, it's not the best movie ever, but it is certainly a good watch.

    I was really impressed with the first person bit. I went into the movie assuming that it would be the worst part, but they really pulled it off well. In fact, the first person part was the only part of the movie where the rest of the movie theater crowd got into the movie and started cheering and clapping and stuff.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i personaly found the first person bit to be pretty much worthless, it was pretty much like watching a 5 minute walk thu of a haunted house, completely weak feeling with no umph, but luckly it was over quick.
  • Amouro
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    Amouro polycounter lvl 18
    i enjoyed it as a half decent hollywood shoot em up flick. but for the most part, for me, it wasn't "Doom".

    My main problem is the monsters aren't demons. It just felt like any other zombie movie where if you get bitten you turn into something else. Now I don't mind zombies in the movie. The Doom games contained many zombies. But they weren't geneticly mutated, they were corpses that were reanimated by demonic forces. And of course with no demons, no portal to hell. frown.gif To me, the concept of demons and hell, make it more intriguing then just an experiment gone wrong.

    My other Big gripe was the marines didn't look like marines. They looked like a SWAT team. I wanted to see some cool looking futuristic armor. it doesn't have to be just like the game but what they were wearing was lame imho.

    well, that's my rant...
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I liked Doom way better than other game/movie conversions. At least it had the feeling of the game to a degree. But I agree with the comments on monsters. BTW the Universal Pictures fragment in the beginning was cool lol
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    they could have redeemed everything bad about this movie by having one scene in it. This scene would involve a shotgun (or a rocket launcher)......in an empty room, and once the LONE MARINE grabs it the walls drop down and........well you know the rest.

    then it would be a DOOM movie!!
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Heh, I jumped the first time that ever happened to me in a game. Descent 1, Level 4, Red Keycard, IIRC. Everything seems normal, just a quick grab and run, suddently all walls open and lots of robots unleash their "spotted enemy" noise (resembling a robotic scream) and shots start hitting me from everywhere.
  • Paul Jaquays
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    Paul Jaquays polycounter lvl 19
    Here's a bit of surprise ... DOOM is apparently this weekend's leading money earner for films at $15 Million USD. Of course it's also earning about $5 to $7 million LESS dollars than hoped for. It's a bad weekend for motion picture box offices all around.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    hahah i didnt think about this till a co worker mentioned it

    slight spoiler


  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    Liked it.
    Arsh, yeah there is a reason why the legs look like a segway.
    Not the best ever, but since all the other Aliens movies sucked after Aliens, this will have to do.
    I thought the FPS section was awesome.
    Started bad and got better and better I thought. Not a waste of time or money.
  • steady
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    steady polycounter lvl 18
    Instead of doing my paper I went to go see it with friends.
    I give it a 6.5 out of 10. It was fun to watch, my friend jumped out of his seat when ***spoiler alert*** the cute monkey screamed out loud from the cage, hahaha!
    I liked how hardcore it got when the Rock shot that kid in the neck, and thats when I was like fuck yeah! this shit is fucked up!

    I do however agree with Amouro, it wasn't really DOOM. I wish it had some badass green armor, a shotgun, and a portal to hell with some Barons of Hell and Cacodemons. Maybe a cyberdemon boss at the end. But yeah I guess the budget would not allow for something of that scale, but you never know they could possibly make a sequel even though I highly doubt it.
  • e_x
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    e_x polycounter lvl 20
    Semper Fi Motherfucker!
  • Amouro
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    Amouro polycounter lvl 18
    I just don't understand why film makers can't do things the right way. Nearly everytime they try to adapt a book, comic, game, ect. they screw something up. Sadly with this movie they screwed up more than just small details, they changed the whole idea behind it. If it's a budget issue, i have this to say. If you aren't willing to spend the money to do it the right way, don't do it at all. You'll most likely end up with a movie that does so so at the box office and pisses off bunch of loyal fans, if you go the cheap route.

    Personaly, I'm tired of stories about mutants and zombies. they don't scare me one little bit. But hell, demons, and the unexplained is much more interesting to me.
    In all these movies the characters all have one basic motive, to survive. Now how do you survive and kill something that is pure evil? It doesn't hunger for your brains, it hungers for your soul. That's alot more scary to me.
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    I just don't understand why film makers can't do things the right way. Nearly everytime they try to adapt a book, comic, game, ect. they screw something up.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    ego?? oh come on... like doom and the other game movie adaptations had a brilliant script buried in them, waiting to come out? the whole point of Doom is that you got to blast hordes of demons from a first person perspective. How that suggests its own great movie adaptation without a lot of serious work is beyond me. Doom got... well, whoever the hell wrote and directed Doom, instead of the greats that brought you the movies that it was obviously patterned after. We're starting to see how if you get the right people connected with the right projects, with comic-to-movie adaptations, you can actually have a pretty damn decent movie...

    but why are we criticizing game-to-movie adaptations when the games themselves don't work as stories? Somehow blaming the people involved in the thankless task of trasmuting an interactive medium into a "dead" medium and not getting to use the best parts?

    since all of us here have brilliant game ideas that would just be the greatest games ever if someone would just give us the money to make them, why don't we lend our practiced hands to writing and directing these game movie adaptations as well? laugh.gif
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i tried gauss, i wanted to make a movie based on the classic game "combat" combat.jpg and i planned to stick to the source material as close as possible

    it was going to start mathew mchaunehey as a german tank commander in an alternate universe version of world war 2, where they have awesome future tanks that shoot in bullet time by default,

    this commander finds out about a secret plot by alternate universe hittler to set off a bomb that will instantly kill all the puppies and kitties in the united states, (theres only 2 countries in alternate combat land, USA and germany and they are both the same size and one of them looks like greenland (it would be cheap to film there) and the other one looks like greenland.. but get this FILMED IN SEPIA TONE.

    now our herroic tank commander finds out about this plot, to destroy americas morale, but he just can't stand the thought of fighting for such an evil side, so he trys to stop the bomb! but.. HE FAILS

    just when it looks like america is doomed and all our soldiers are weeping the loss of all their pets,

    our hero deffects and drives his fleet of super tanks across enemy lines and delivers to the americans a whole bundle of cute adorable schnauser pups! morale is restored and alternate Hitler is defeated@

  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
  • AstroZombie
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Game companies should install the same contract stipulation that Hollywood has. That the cost to use the licence GOES UP the worse the IP does. The idea is they are ruining the IP with a bad rendition.

    In other words, they would have owed the developers of "House of The Dead" lots n lots of dough.

    But no, alot of game companies seem to eager to sign on the dotted line, while their fellow game developers get screwed from the other end.

    Thus far, it sounds like M$/Bungie might have the right idea.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    Rhinokey: i knew that if i put up the challenge, the great minds of polycount would rise to the occasion. SIR I SALUTE YOU!
  • JBoskma
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    JBoskma polycounter lvl 18
    Saw it today. It was more towards horror / thriller then the action movie I was expecting. I liked Resident Evil and this one as well.
    Doctor Carmack and Doctor Willitz haha xD. Oh and the glass window, Sarge throws reaper through has all the names of the team members of Id on it, presented as the founders of the Mars research facility. Doctor Kenneth Scott for teh win!
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