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Texturing a 3ds Max model in ZBrush

polycounter lvl 18
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Nakur polycounter lvl 18
Is there any way to bring a model that was modeled and unwrapped in 3ds Max into ZBrush, and keep the UV layout from 3ds Max? If there is, please share how!


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, export the model from Max using the .OBJ format, and make sure all the correct boxes are checked, and the "number of decimal places" (or something similar to that) is set to 12, the highest it'll go. That should do it.
  • Nakur
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    Nakur polycounter lvl 18
    I think I'm doing something wrong in the ZBrush side of things then. That's what I did to export, but in ZBrush when I load up the texture which corresponds to the UV's, it's totally messed up in ZBrush. Looks like my model was auto-UV'd in ZBrush or something.

    My steps: Exporting object from 3ds Max, importing object in ZBrush, drawing the tool onto the document, going into edit mode, and importing the targa texture map I made using Render to Texture + Render UV's in Max. Is there another step I'm missing, or am I just doing something wrong, or what?
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    did you flip the texture in zb? at least some if not all formats come with flipped y coordinates into zbrush.
  • Nakur
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    Nakur polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    did you flip the texture in zb? at least some if not all formats come with flipped y coordinates into zbrush.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, I didn't. Is there a way to flip the texture in ZBrush, or do I need to do it in Photoshop?
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    try flipping your texture vertically in photoshop before loading it in ZBrush, and see how it looks then?
  • Nakur
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    Nakur polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    try flipping your texture vertically in photoshop before loading it in ZBrush, and see how it looks then?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ok, I did that, and although it looks a lot better, I'm getting a lot of stretching type problems on my model. To test it out I wrote the word "test" on his head, and when viewing it in ZBrush, although the red of the word was on his face, it was all jarbled up... And when I tried writing "test" on his head in projection master, it looked ok in zbrush, but when I was checking out the texture in ZBRush, it was like "test" was written as triangles over random parts of the head UV's. (note: as a test, I loaded the model up w/ my red head "Test" texture, and test displayed perfectly in both the max viewport and max render. I bet my machine hates me... having photoshop, zbrush, and 3ds max open all at once)

    I'll work on posting some pics of what I'm talking about if that doesn't make sense. Thanks for the help guys.

    Edit: How the texture renders in Max:


    The flat texture in Photoshop:


    Model in ZBrush:

  • EarthQuake
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    Hey you should really fix up your uvs first man, theres tons of wasted space there you could use a lot better.
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