this is doing my nut in: how do you extract just selected faces? I've got a bunch of combined sub-objects, and I want to extract one of them, but maya insists on seperating every single sub-object when I all I want is the one. I am currently duplicating the entire thing and deleting everything but the object I want, but it seems such a sloppy way to do it- I must be missing something?
doesn't seem like an unreasonable operation to me.. if theres a combine single object there should be an uncombine surely?
Rooster: It's also fast if you set a hotkey to Select Shell, then you just click a couple of polys of the objects you don't want after you've made a duplicate, just hit that key, and boom, those entire elements are selected ready for deletion.
Yeah I can't believe this but you're right. If you combine 3 cubes into one mesh, then use the extract faces command on any of it, it will have 'remembered' that that mesh used to be 3 cubes, and split those 3 cubes back up again into seperate meshes. Crazy. Can't see a workaround sorry. I would probably just duplicate it and delete what i don't need on the copy
store selection
dup object
delete inverse selection on dupe
delete selection on original