I rarely texture. Therefore I'm texturing and struggling with my art-queen standards with this Orc Blademaster:
My unoriginality is based off of this Samwise concept from Warcraft 3:
A more colorful rendition.
Right now I'm getting the skin tidied up & uniform (like the pecs & shoulders). It has gone slow and getting a feel for things hasn't really clicked yet:
So that's the current state of things. I'm trying to light a fire under my ass and hope to update this more often than not.
Yeah... that back looks all wrong...
the animals of cory forest
this guy is great for an "armor up" SDK.
You want to shade the muscle as if there were a light source somwhere, right now what you have is pretty much a depth map. If you were using a normal map from a high poly model this would be fine but your not. I've attached an image to show what I mean.
This is overdoing it a little but you should get the idea. Also instead of pronouncing each muscle 100%, just put a little pinch around the corners and smooth the rest out. Don't have long creases like on the chest, just put a little bit in the center and feather it out. You can see on your concept where the pinches should be. Hope I'm not overstepping my bounds.