I know some of us polycounters worked on Age of Empires III and just wanted to say, awesome job! I picked up my collector's boxed edition today and I am thoroughly impressed with the package. The game is great but getting a nice hard cover book containing the art of this game just was what I hoped for and more. I mean c'mon not only is there the ensemble art in there but paintings by Craig Mullins. Couldn't have asked for a better extra goodie. I really like how the character art is showcased as well (wireframes, flat shades, bump renders and final in game model) It was also nice getting to see texture flats for in game art assets. I know I won't be letting go of it or even letting it out of my bookcase anytime soon. I'm really enjoying the game. When I played the demo I'd get my ass handed to me by the PC opponent. This still happens but I'm starting to get better at not being destroyed so quickly. It is something to see too when all the bells and whistles are turned on for the game. For those that worked on this title you should be proud and thanks for making a great game and an even better collector's edition. (It is on par with World of Warcraft's collector box). Just one question though why no DVD version of the game for collector's box? At least I was told that it only came in the CD flavor.
Correct that it only comes in CD flavor and there was a non-arbitrary reason for it.
I think high 200's to low 300's for the triangle count in most game play human units sounds correct. Units typically had compressed 64x textures. Buildings typically had 256x textures. The main cinematic characters were often very high poly (for an RTS). Homecity art was allowed to have higher poly counts and a lot larger texture budget.
We painted our normal maps in grayscale (actually RGB, not true grayscale). We used a Photoshop filter from Nvidia to interpret the gray painting as a normal map (that reacts to real time per pixel lighting). The process is good for adding simple elevation changes, textural character, low relief sculpture detail and such to surfaces, but it's very difficult to add the simulation of rounded surfaces or increased polygon complexity that you get from compiled hi-rez to lo-rez modeling.
At least you can work out some detail and sharpen edges for example if you have a normalmap baked out the hipoly...
Can't wait to see the special edition box of AoE3
It's been a long time comin, but it'll be undoubtably worth it.
I just picked up the collectors addition tonight. The art book kicks ass! The production quality is top notch.
- BoBo
Allready started guessing, who did what
Also can it be that Craig mullins made some artworks? The paintings really rock!
Going to pick it up when I get back from Cyprus next week.
I think my LAN network might come back to some form of use again me thinks
I did have a page of facial expressions.
"Clic on pictures to visualize them on fullscreen size." just doesn't sound right.