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Prague Workshop!!!

polycounter lvl 20
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poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
I leave today for Prague, Czech Republic for the Concept art workshop! I'm super excited. I'll try to update my website frontpage as I can while on the trip, and when I get back I'll make a proper recap. I'll also be taking plenty of 360 degree photos, like this!

On a similar note, my lectures at the AI of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Melon University last weekend went pretty well. The AI lecture had over one hundred students in attendance, and we even had to switch rooms to accomodate them all. They recorded the whole thing and I'll be upping it to my website when I get a copy. The CMU lecture was a bit more subdued, and had about 30-40 students, but still seemed to go well.

I think the only other Polycounter going to the workshop is Ryan Hastings. I'll try to get him to post his pictures when he gets back, also.


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