about 3 years ago, about a year after I got into 3d modeling, I made Naomi Armitage. I even tried putting up a small webpage to show off my model. well 3 years later I have improved some and I have gotten better programs, so I decided to remake her.
I already made the gun which can be found here:
also the old webpage I had with the old model can be found here:
well here she is the new improved Naomi Armitage.
crits and comments welcome so fire away. please compare the two models and tell me what you like or dislike about either and how they compare. I also want to take a toll on rather or not I should make her shades or not. take note I realized I messed the things on her wrists, I am going to fix that. well thats all I got for now.
The face looks spaced out, might want to look into that (eyes too wide?).
In the 3/4 view there's an obvious angle in the mouth, that shouldn't happen, round the area a bit.
The shadow of the jaw shouldn't go up to the front of the ears, that makes it look like a beard. The ears connect directly to the end of the jaw.
The breast looks messy, you might want to use a circular flow there that follows the shape instead of a general horizontal flow to define the shape with fewer polygons.
And forward facing palms make no sense, they really should face downward.
It looks like an improvement over the previous model but the images aren't comparable, the old one is lit and this one isn't. I'd like to see how vertex lighting looks on your model.
The side to side comparison suggests her pants should start a bit higher but that's probably neglectable, just say she's wearing her belt a bit wider today .
Maybe a few shots with lighting would help, there can be lighting problems in a mesh that aren't obvious immediately.
I realized what KDR ment about the eyes when I made this texture. So I think i fixed the eyes. as always C&C welcome. keep in mind that since the original model is based on the original armitage that the new skin will be off because of it.
the reference for the back
With "lack of lighting" I mean that there's no shading on the model, even when you're using a celshader you should post a normally shaded picture of the model to spot bad normals.
Never noticed that before in the self illuminated version.
The head less wide, shortened the neck, and scaled her from the waist down much wider and longer:
without these wider hips, she suffers far too much from man-shoulders.