I stumbled over this interesting read on gamasutra about the future of videogames aesthetics.
I don't know if it has been posted allready but here it is
I don't think it holds any clear thoughts about the future but is more a resumee of the current situation and some good thoughts what we could do to push this young medium proparly.
I personally belive it is more of a customer issue than the missing potential. Most of the artist I know are very mature and would be more than happy to work on a game where the visuals are pushed into new directions in conjunction with the gameplay.
The customer base needs to mature (not saying that all gamers are immature *guguga*) so that we can have an audience that will appreciate and demand more and more interesting art.
Great amount of respect from my side to the people that are allready (sucessfully *spelling* ... or not) on this path, but a healthier environement for such would be a great thing. (like someday I will finally get money for beeing the best bananapealer in town

I think that the Photoreal Aesthetic is one that all media have to go through, for the medium, and the participants to "Learn the rules" so they know which ones to break, and why. He made as much of a point towards the end, but of all the aesthetics he showed as examples, the only one that appealed to me remotly was Okami...