I'm playing through serious sam2 and I highly recommend getting the game, if you liked the first two games this one is just as good, the artwork is top notch, first game I have seen that makes good use of normal maps mixed in with a non metal world, really impressive, all types of neat pixel shaders on weapons and such as well. One note of caution if you are going to play the game in coop mode it looks like this disable the cut scenes so you don't know what the hell is going on story wise, pretty shit feature really. Gameplay is still great though.
hmm really enjoyed the first serious sam game, loved the artwork. Can sopmebody tell me who the guy is? As far as I know he is one of those mad suckers who used to skin with a mouse! But he pulled of reall nice art.
I am bit that SS2 is not full normalmapped, scnie I really liked the first rechdemos with normalmaps on the chracters
The Second Encounter manual lists Dinko Pavicic and Petar Ivancek for 2D and Admir Elezovic and Tomislav Pongrac for 3D art. I don't know their online nicks, though.
I love the humour, it is so cliche, shit man that part where you find "the duke" with a rocket shoved up his ass and sam says something like, there you are duke, it took me forever to find you.
well to be fair, i haven't gotten too far into it. the line about the first barbarian and something about crom, blah blah blah.... anyway, it made me want to die.
As the 3d version of space invaders, wave after wave of baddies comming at you, having to blast them off their sidescrolling screne before your defences are down it is great. Not sure if it is more or less addictive than the old arcade game?
I am bit
great guy
There are somethings I would have liked them todo differently but that can be sorted out when they release the editor/sdk.
If you didn't like the original demo they are releasing a new one today that has a great level included.