wife decides to leave me . man what a shock. my mind is in bits. weird really . never thought it would come to this
I was just reading about daz and what happend to him a while ago, but never thought my life would go the same way
I am staying drunk until the pain goes away.,
On a positive note, my normal map work is improving. and I am still good looking:)
I was thinking of just cathing a plane to somewhere this weekend, but will probably change my mind .

Really sorry to hear that. Try and keep your head up
Its starnge though,no matter how bad i ever feel doing art always makes me feel batter.
Try not to turn to the bottle too much! It'll numb the pain for a bit but it'll do no good in the long run. Chin up mate! Normal map success is good! ;-)
we were together for ten years and seems most of the time we were kind of stressed to some degree, so perhaps its for the best.
ironically its actually geting a break in the games industry which seems to have killed things.
She hated it whenI could dn't get a job, but now I have a well paid job, I never have the time for her
I hope you work through this with the minimum pain and as quickly as possible. Good luck to you!
Best advice I can probably give you at this point is to NOT call her when you are drunk. You will really regret it later.
Seriously Ruz, good luck. Women...sheesh!
Normal map your way to success man
Instead of the bottle I would highly recommend doing art... or well u can combine the two
Concentrate on work, friends and good memories.
Anyway, I am REALLY sorry for you in any matter.
I do not want to eleborate.
I was thinking of just cathing a plane to somewhere this weekend, but will probably change my mind .
[/ QUOTE ]
I am not really qualified to give you an advice as my life is pretty f***ed-up too, but going on a trip to the ocean where it is nice and warm, and somewhere it is quite lonely and you can do a nice campfire on the beach and sit there all night long can really do wonders (but only if you are the type of person who can deal with lonelyness easily).
Anyways good luck!
Pogonip, just shut up.... Really, its not that simple. Its just so conservative... Please be so kind, shut up...
I do not want to eleborate.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fuck you dipshit I hardly said anything offensive ...pull that stick out of your ass ..idiot...
Man, if my wife did that to me I woud say 'good riddance'. Sure I would be tore up 'cause I love her so much, but life goes on.
Just gotta keep on keepin on, it'll be a slow process, but you'll make it
Anyhow, this is supposed to be for Ruz. I hope you find your way out of the bottle. I also wish when I got more depressed, art would become easier versus harder like it seems to for you. Hmm.. Maybe I should get pernamently pissed.
yeah least i have my artwork to get lost in.
Its true rockstar, artwork always helps me , whatever. its the one constant in my life.
Hmm why are people attacking pogonip?, just trying to be helpful.
No point arguing about who has the best advice here.
I did n't really drink that much anyway last night, just drowning my sorrows a little.
From what you said, I'm guessing you have just grown apart as people. Sticking together through adversity until the goal was reached, except the goal just brought more challenges.
Take this as an opportunity to become 'yourself' again. Doing things that make you happy. A little art, a few laughs with friends, and the help of the polycount divorcee support group
My thoughts are with you.
GL bro, I hope you feel better soon
Sorry for your trouble, Ruz; but at least now you have plenty of money for you from your well-paid job, no?
Frank the Avenger
Channel it into your work for a while.
Then pick yourself up and get on with things.
This is just one more emotion you now understand and can call upon when it's needed for your art or empath with other people the rest of your life.
The facts of life are that the interesting people are the damaged ones, the undamaged ones that have steered a course through life without incident tend to be pretty boring unintelligible sheep.
You just got more interesting