Right... after selling my PS2 in harder times

, I've been keeping myself content with my XBOX and Gamecube. Recently however, I've been flicking folournly through the pages of EDGE, dismayed at the lack of good games for the Cube n Box, but seeing a plethora of innovative, new gaming experiences (usually from Japan) revealed before my tearful eyes.
So I took the plunge and bought a new PS2 with some of the delights I'd been so cruelly denied by my gaming platform choices before. Katamrai Damcy, God of War, Veiwtiful Joe (yeah I know this was on Cube aswell), Silent Hill, Jak n Daxter, Gitaroo Man... mmmm squishy innovative fresh newness drips out of my new console.
Gregory horrorshow, Ratchet and Clank and some others are on there way, but could anyone recommend me some other games I should try based on the above games? Im not into RPGs or sports titles really though...apart from that Im open to offers... unless they're from CheapAlert offering his "special" services again!

GTA : San Andreas (do I still get a bonus?)
Never actually played a Grand Theft Auto game since the first one on the PC either so I'll definately give that one a whirl.
I had ICO first time round aswell... it was good but not great IMO - the combat got to be abit jarring for what otherwise could have been a really peacful and serene game. I would have enjoyed it much more without the break in rythm the fighting gave. I might pick it up again and see if I can get further this time though
Shadow of the Colossus and Soul Calibur 3 are coming out this month as well
...and yeah - Im drooling waiting for Shadow of The Colossus!
I much prefered Vice City to San Andreas though.
Of all the games I own on PS2 though, Gradius V gets the most spin time.