So I'm sitting here drinking myself to death and screwing up a model and I was thinking are there any intense, tasty non-alcoholic drinks out there? Home recipies are welcome.
Aww, you said non-alcoholic. I was gonna suggest a shot of Midori, a shot of Blue Curacao, and top it off with lemonade and some ice. Tastes gorgeous, and is a curiously toxic green colour.
Since you said non-alcoholic, though, all I can think of is milk. Or undiluted Ribena, if you're hardcore.
humph. --intense-- non-alcoholic drinks? that's an interesting question. of course you've got your whole cornucopia of caffeinated beverages that correlate with varying degrees of sanity... but a mixed drink? chocolate milk. uhh.... once when i was in high school, i mixed milk with just some sugar and vanilla extract. tastes like milk, leaning towards vanilla milkshake. hardly intense, though.
I like mixing Vanilla coke and chocolate ice cream tastes f-ing awesome !!! Although watch out the mixture is explosive literally ! I put chocolate ice cream into my vanilla coke bottle one day and shut the lid then reopned it about 5 mins later and BOOOMMMMM the bottle exploded as if I had just slammed it on the ground or something ...pretty funny it went everywhere
Spring water. IT'S X-TREM3!!!!
I've recently enjoyed a Chai Tea Latte.
It'll last til I figure out how to make a nice glass of Thai Iced Tea.
CranGrape tastes good, and prevents bacteria from sticking to your peepee hole. ^_^
Strawberry Milk. Addictive.
Anything Juicy Juice. It's actually juice...mostly apple.
Mt. Wizz. Comes from goats.
@pogo: it's called a float. try using root beer. and those Hershey milkshakes...good god. it's like drinking a whole pack of candy bars!!!
Try a 50/50 mix of your favourite flavoured still water and your 'coke' of choice. It's got enough kick to keep your interest, and you can drink it all night without exploding.
We have "ayran" here. Put neat yoghurt and water of same volume, add some salt(like one teaspoon or half). Mix them with a mixer. There you go, it's supposed to be drunk cold. If you drink too much it may make you sleepy though. BTW it's also sold around here in bottles too.
Since it's getting onto 'winter' here, we're getting back into the 'homemade hot cocoa' mode. Not just instant or mix, but where you make the paste out of the cocoa, sugar, and milk, and use really really good ingredients. I lover homemade real hot cocoa.
If you don't have time for that and are passing a starbucks, I totally recommend the 'Chantico' they sell. 1 size only, 6 ounces, and it tastes like they just melted a chocolate bar and put it in a cup. VERY thick. 400 calories!
Gmanx : 'Still' water? Is that like moonshine, or stagnant from the pond?
As a connoisseur of sugar-free drinks, I despise Crystal Light. However, they do make a nice lemonade. Even so, the Wal-Mart knock off of the same flavor is an ass-kicker on the scale of acidity. It's harsh, like those Ice Breakers sour mints I'm also addicted to. Nasty in a good way. Sometimes I'll knock back almost two quarts of that stuff in an afternoon. And it's non-caffienated, in stark contrast to the coffee or Cherry Diet Pepsi that I'm usually knocking back. What was that they said about Patrick Nagel?
Also one of my non-caffiene favorites is Luzianne decaf iced tea, with a spice kick. I steep two family-size bags with a tea kettle of boiling water in a gallon pitcher, but with some cinnamon and cloves waiting at the bottom. Luzianne still has a nice smooth flavor despite the lack of caffiene, that's important for killing the constant bad taste in the back of my mouth -- no matter what I downed, you gutter-brains. And with the spices, it's basically a nice flavored water.
I just remembered I was at this show once. The artist asked the audience for a pint of beer. And he then pulled out a whole and raw cod, with intestines and head and all. He added both the beer and fish into a blender. When it was blended into a orangy-grey pulp he poured it into the beer-glass and drank it all in one go. He stood there for a few seconds struggling with it, I don't think he puked, but he spat some fish bones. Not to be recommended for the weak-stomached.
One could make some really nice drinks with a juicer.
I sometimes do the carrot, tomatoe, celery drink, and add a few cloves of garlic.
Good thing about juicers... really healthy stuff.
i guess the pain about juicers is the cleanup, the constant buying of vegis and fruits. Juice is really good and goes really fast.
Dude unsweetened PURE (non concentrated) cranberry juice is A#1. But for an alternative, try mixing it with seltzer water (or like 7up if you want that pansy sweetness).
Pure Tart Baby...
Edit: For an addition to the above.. Add it to plain vanilla ice cream/soy/rice frozen desert. WOWZA!
I think the worst non-alcoholic drink I've had was this vanilla drink my gf had me try once. It's basically a sodacan filled with some ominous white substance. At first it's like drinking liquid pudding, really really bad pudding. Then the aftertaste kicks in. UUuuughhhh just thinking about it now makes me wanna throw up.
Some other strange things I've tried:
- coke with milk (not recommended)
- coke w/ tea (tastes ok depending on the tea, but up to you)
Tonic Water and a lemon, suck on the lemon then take a drink of the tonic water. At first you're all puckered up from the sour lemon but then the tonic water hits you and it combines to make this heavenly sweet flavor, then it goes away to the odd dry tonic water taste. It's pretty intense and gives your tastebuds a workout.
oh yeah, for an even more intense experience, drink it in a dark room with black lights (UV lights) as your only light source.
As soon as I saw "intense", I was going to mention the Octane 101, which is basically an Everclear daquiri. But as soon as I saw non-alcoholic, I realized I got nothin'. Apparently I'm too tame. You people have some seriously whacked tastes. And I swear I'm one of the last human beings on Earth to despise the taste of milk.
klein milk and pepsi was lavernes favorite drink on laverne and shirley.. used to make me almost puke every time she would mention it.. tho once i did try and brew a pot of coffee by running milk thru it instead of water..
theres reasons that you are not suposed to do that.
klein milk and pepsi was lavernes favorite drink on laverne and shirley.. used to make me almost puke every time she would mention it.. tho once i did try and brew a pot of coffee by running milk thru it instead of water..
theres reasons that you are not suposed to do that.
[/ QUOTE ]
haha.. yeah and its called butter. but on a side note.. coffee butter might be good on toast or pancakes..
Since you said non-alcoholic, though, all I can think of is milk. Or undiluted Ribena, if you're hardcore.
Also this stuff is like the drink of the gods
I've recently enjoyed a Chai Tea Latte.
It'll last til I figure out how to make a nice glass of Thai Iced Tea.
CranGrape tastes good, and prevents bacteria from sticking to your peepee hole. ^_^
Strawberry Milk. Addictive.
Anything Juicy Juice. It's actually juice...mostly apple.
Mt. Wizz. Comes from goats.
@pogo: it's called a float. try using root beer. and those Hershey milkshakes...good god. it's like drinking a whole pack of candy bars!!!
Warm up a glass of milk, add the yellow part of an egg (whats the name again? York?) and a generous spoon of honey. Mix that...
It tastes just like what a chickens would produce if these things had mammals. Or something.
Oh and btw if you leave the warming up part for the end, and if you do that in a microwave owen, you'll get an instant sweet omelette. YAY!
If you don't have time for that and are passing a starbucks, I totally recommend the 'Chantico' they sell. 1 size only, 6 ounces, and it tastes like they just melted a chocolate bar and put it in a cup. VERY thick. 400 calories!
I didn't try it, but I heard it was disgusting.
As a connoisseur of sugar-free drinks, I despise Crystal Light. However, they do make a nice lemonade. Even so, the Wal-Mart knock off of the same flavor is an ass-kicker on the scale of acidity. It's harsh, like those Ice Breakers sour mints I'm also addicted to. Nasty in a good way. Sometimes I'll knock back almost two quarts of that stuff in an afternoon. And it's non-caffienated, in stark contrast to the coffee or Cherry Diet Pepsi that I'm usually knocking back. What was that they said about Patrick Nagel?
Also one of my non-caffiene favorites is Luzianne decaf iced tea, with a spice kick. I steep two family-size bags with a tea kettle of boiling water in a gallon pitcher, but with some cinnamon and cloves waiting at the bottom. Luzianne still has a nice smooth flavor despite the lack of caffiene, that's important for killing the constant bad taste in the back of my mouth -- no matter what I downed, you gutter-brains.
I sometimes do the carrot, tomatoe, celery drink, and add a few cloves of garlic.
Good thing about juicers... really healthy stuff.
i guess the pain about juicers is the cleanup, the constant buying of vegis and fruits. Juice is really good and goes really fast.
orange juice and 7up is also really good,
coffee (decaff or regular) mixxed with a bit of milk and hersheys syrup)
coffee (decaff or regular) mixxed with a bit of milk and hersheys syrup)
[/ QUOTE ]
Lose the milk and change the syrup to powdered cocoa mix and you have what I refer to as a "white trash mocha". Enjoy.
and unsweetened cranberry juice.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dude unsweetened PURE (non concentrated) cranberry juice is A#1. But for an alternative, try mixing it with seltzer water (or like 7up if you want that pansy sweetness).
Pure Tart Baby...
Edit: For an addition to the above.. Add it to plain vanilla ice cream/soy/rice frozen desert. WOWZA!
Cain, try a Starbucks double shot with a dash of cayenne pepper. Just be sure not to use a lot..
The pepper inhances the flavor of the coffee, and the cold coffee negates the burning flesh from the cayenne.
A redbull sour is also good (a take on the common whiskey-sour)
(sour mix)
1 part lemon/lime juice
1 part water
Add sugar to taste
Add to 2 parts of red bull.
Some other strange things I've tried:
- coke with milk (not recommended)
- coke w/ tea (tastes ok depending on the tea, but up to you)
yeah, I'm a strange person.
oh yeah, for an even more intense experience, drink it in a dark room with black lights (UV lights) as your only light source.
* edit * gah... FatAssasin beat me to it...
Damn tastey, to boot
theres reasons that you are not suposed to do that.
klein milk and pepsi was lavernes favorite drink on laverne and shirley.. used to make me almost puke every time she would mention it.. tho once i did try and brew a pot of coffee by running milk thru it instead of water..
theres reasons that you are not suposed to do that.
[/ QUOTE ]
haha.. yeah and its called butter. but on a side note.. coffee butter might be good on toast or pancakes..