Came up with a new design for the Combine (HL2) auto-turret. Something a bit more robust and able to handle different environment conditions. The drawback to this design is that they must either be powered by a generator or by a battery /ammo pack (the darker object on the mode).
Currently missing a few details and the legs are still wips.
I plan on making up a generator (smaller, more mobile / robust version of the existing one) and a tree-mounted battery powered turret, something slightly larger than maybe a manhack. A combine soldier could pull one out of his pack, slap it to a tree, the thing would clamp down in a similar method to the hoppers, and run / gun as long as the small battery on it will last.
Dunno though, i'm not big on the physics of gunfire. Hell, maybe it's spot on for combat.
idea behind this turret (a very small one, slightly larger than the manhacks) is that a soldier would carry a few of these (3 or 4 maybe). He'd grab one from his backpack and slam it into a tree (or other surface, noel even had the funny (and neat) idea of sticking them into other soldiers or creatures). The longer section of the spike would instantly slide out (to it's shown extended position) and hold it in place until the soldier releases his grip, then the claws / hooks would slam down in place to secure the turret to the surface.
The turret's fin-like battery pack would sustain the gun long enough (ammo and running in general) to provide nomimal cover fire for either retreat or a weak / unprotected angle of a hunkered-down group of soldiers. The turret could potentially also serve as extra gunfire on an assault / raid.
pretty much the final design, some tweaks may occur, but i'm likin it.