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Real quick ZBrush question

polycounter lvl 20
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Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
Ok, lets try and get this in the right forum this time.

Whenever I start a new ZSpere structure, the first sphere is only half there. There doesn't appear to be any reference to this in the help file, practical guide or the tutorials and things I've looked at, so I assume I've got a setting wrong.

What am I doing wrong?

While we're on the topic, the whole tesselation process of the ZSpheres confuses me. I've tried a few simple shapes but it almost seems random as to whether the geometry looks completely mangled or not. I've tried to do a little bit of reading, but haven't come across anything that really explains things terribly well. All I really want to do is stick a few zshperes togehter so I've got enough geometric detail to make a decent head, but its proving surprisngly tricky.


  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    i saw that you posted on the zbrush central forums.. but you posted it in the z scripting forums.. probably not the best place and i see how your question might not get answered there.. i would try putting it in the help troubleshooting forum.. i usually get my questions answered in a few hours...
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Jackablade: This always happens to me if Im doing the adaptive mesh with just 1 sphere. Attach another sphere to the skeleton, and then preview, and you should be golden.
    That is, if your talking about the adaptive mesh.
    If the red & grey zsphere is only showing up 50%...I have no idea.
  • flachdrache
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    flachdrache polycounter lvl 18
    There is a short info about that in the zSphere Tutscript - they work like arrows, building volume. Try to make a large single zSphere and add more for nose, mouth etc. - so the chain gets closed.

    For a simple headmodel i also would try the classic way (zBrush 1) and use a sphere because its allready spheremapped.

    The zSpheres do have sides (the dark and the bright:) and a "best" way to connect with each other (crosshair turns green), it can be very tricky, all i can say is try to place them in lines so you can draw new zSpheres onto the next and dont have to mess with depth.

    cool.gif Somewhere in the forums are the tutorialfiles for the practical guide and a zip with all the script tutorials of zBrush 1".55".

    hope this makes sense smile.gif
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Zscript forum? Damnit, how the hell did I manage that. And because the moderators are control freaks, I can't change it or move it.

    Anyway, the split zSphere seems to stay unless I actually add a few spheres to plug the hole up which tends not to result in an attractive mesh - more often than not it all distorts horribly. Annoying, but I can work around it. Bigger problem now is adding geometry for the face. From what i've seen the standard way to do this is be sticking little ZSpheres for eyes, mouth and ears onto a larger sphere, but when I try this it results in overlapping edge loops and polygons clipping through eachother and all sorts of horribleness. I'll grab a picture of it if need be.

    I'll experiment a little with what you've said and perhaps run through the ZSphere tutorial one more time.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Maybe your ZSpheres are rotated over 360 degrees, so the adaptive mesh is being twisted? Not sure unless I saw a screenshot, but it sounds likely. Haven't seen that "half sphere" problem happen before, though. frown.gif
  • flachdrache
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    flachdrache polycounter lvl 18
    Jepp - "are rotated over 360 degrees" thats what i would had wanted to describe laugh.gif.
    I made the caveman from the practical guide - which worked quit well but now i think this "single zSphere setup" needs a higher mesh density in the root sphere to work.
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