Hi, I was wondering If I should bother showing sketches I do in my 2D art section of my site. I basically want a 3D Artist job and not a Concept Artist job, but I want to show that I can draw. I was wondering how detailed and what kind of quality should I put in my sketches and if I should paint them as well. Here is an example of the new things I would put in there. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

The traditional artwork shows lack of understanding of anatomy and proportion, and perspective here and there, but the colours are good.
The computer artwork is not adding anything... it's just colours with a random body part floating in it... an employer's gonna be put off by that, it's kinda pretentious IMHO.
Focus on the 3d section for now. If you're serious about the concept art side of it, take up some life drawing classes, or just try really hard every day to draw something better.
So yeah, drop the 2d art section for the time being.
Good luck!
I'd say you should start drawing from life more. Avoid conceptual work (drawing only from your imagination) for awhile, just to improve your skills.
Also try emulating the style of an artist who's been at it for awhile. Pick up one of the excellent anatomy/drawing books, like Bridgeman etc.
Or try Rey Bustos' style, just to pick one example...
It takes a _lot_ of practice, but you'll get there. You're off to a good start!
Oh and while I'm at it, I'd advise you lose the cheap-looking watermark, the one with the drop shadow and weird font. IMO it brings each piece down a couple notches since they end up looking like a Poser-artist's work.
Good start! But remember you need to pay your "dues" so to speak, in order to be more attractive as a potential hire. It takes time and effort.
Dekard that was the idea I had with showing sketches. I was planning on showing a sketch of say the sword and a link to the 3d model I made of it.