I'm going to be over in the seattle area thursday and friday. I was hopping to maybe get a chance to check out a few game companys while over there. So if you work over in he seattle area and think i might be able to stop by for a quick hello, let me know. Places id like to stop by at are GPG and arena net. Not sure if either of those will be passable.
Trying to get ahold of either one of them, but they are both at work.
Anyone think they could get me a walk threw at bungie?
Hopefully i'll atleast get to go see GPG...
I'm not surprised you couldn't get into Bungie, that place is sealed up like Fort Knox.
The bluest skies you've ever seen are in seattle
bullshit, I'd live there for the rain
Then the universal inbalance will be fixed
At All City Coffee
Pioneer Square at 125 Prefontaine Place S
Pak, thanks man
Duke move to spokane if you like clear skies and rain. Its my home town. No game companys but a nice city.
Dravalen, The rain is why i like seattle.
skrubbles, i'll try and be there.
Heya, tagHeuer works at Amaze. Last time NCDV was on, he had been at Monolith.
Lastly, 3DMax is having that 8.0 intro this thursday from like 4-6. You need to presign on their site. Nothing else, you could shoot the shit with some developers at it (unless your one of them their fancy pants Maya users).
must be nice to have those kinda of funds to throw around...
Porches' n plasma tvs for everyone
Especially is you drive a civic and you visit the Everett area.
Anyway, hope you're having fun!
One bit of advice for ya. DON"T LEAVE YOUR CAR UNLOCKED!
Especially is you drive a civic and you visit the Everett area.
[/ QUOTE ]
Or better yet, just don't go to Everett... =P
I'd offer to show you around Atari Tech Support but really once you have seen one guy sitting in the dark taking calls you have seen it all. There is some pretty cool art from Humongous Entertainment/Atari Kids all over the walls. But since H.E. Shut down last month and we are getting ready to move downstairs there isn't much to look at. Nothing development wise anyway.
Yep, it just isn't the same with the HE guys gone =(
Glad you had fun!