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Rock Golem

polycounter lvl 18
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MaNtiS polycounter lvl 18
Hello all, I posted a long time ago and just generally a watcher(seems to be the saying around here) but I have something to post this time. Images might be dark for some people so I tried to bump up the lighting a bit, this was a school assignment. I had a bit of concept but it evolved from a swamp type guy to what you see(I know its not the best way to work), anyway heres some photos:




Texture flat, used 1 1024x1024, made it smaller since it was a little large.


The guy himself is 4694 tris, and the total is 10204(didn't really have a budget) C&C most welcome! (Oh and I know its hard to see sometimes whats going on, I have a rotation but I don't have anywhere to host it, its about 6mb, if someone could point me in the right direction to get that up so you guys can see it, I would appreciate it)

He has a spec and a bump aswell(spec needs work)and he has a slight glow to his eye in the render so its brought out a little better. Oh, and I need to work on the jay a bit so you can tell its actually there.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Great work. I love how this guy looks as a whole.

    Since you had no target polycount in mind, I'll forgive the fairly unnecessarily dense mesh here and there smile.gif

    No crits really, I like the proportions, the mesh seems pretty good (if a little wasteful here and there), and the textures work well. Nice consistency and feeling of mass.

    Keep it up! smile.gif
  • Showster
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    Showster polycounter lvl 18
    Drools!!! Really dig the look of the character! Be cool to see him swinging a giant tree or hurl a massive boulder! If you animate this guy you could pull of some really nicely exaggerated motions!

    Good Stuff

  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    the excecution on this model is nice, i like the feel that it has. A few issues i have is first with the texture there seems to be a few pure white sections on the stomach and shoulder, this looks funky when those areas are in dark lighting on the model creating a clamped grey look. I also think his design is somewhat uninspiring, the face lacks character and the rest of the body is kinda boring as far as overal design. Having said that i think the way you made it look like rocks and vies stuck together works very well.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    He looks cool in the renders, but I'm confused what target platform he is for, film or games? He seems to sort of be modeled for games, but it's unneccessarily wasteful in areas like Mop mentioned. Yet the texture map is pretty much light free, suggesting a film asset.

    I do dig the design, though it'd be neat to see some roots dangling off and hanging, especially from his arms, to make him feel a bit more natural and green. Overall really nice product, I just wish I could say it was a good film model, or a good game model, rather than hovering somewhere in the nebulous in between.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    He mentioned it was for school, so I'm guessing there was no goal that would provide polycount restraints.

    Looks cool. I like the style.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Really love this. I was planning to do some sort of model like this a little while ago, but I think your execution turned out wayyyy better than the plan in my head.

    I think it would work alright as a game model, its not THAT heavy on polys. Some more lighting info in the texture flat though would probably be a good idea.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    I really like it, and although there is wasted poly space somewhat, most newer game engines wouldn't have a problem. Anyway, especially just for a school project it's awesome. I think it has a nice character and feel about it. I'd really like to see more of your models!
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    THat model is just insane.....ly AWESOME! Nice job. The texture work is fantastic as well as the model.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    looks great,
    the mound too.

    here are some suggestions you might want to consider, regardless of the assigment constraints:
    1. i think a "fog of war" effect will easily make the render look more immersive. the black void just feels like its letting everything else down.
    2. design wise, the cracks and veins could follow some anatomical landmarks.
    3. anatomy wise, his pelvis sits just a ted too low, i think.
    4. texture wise the cracks seem a little cut-out, not fully working together with the actual stone surface. get some edges pixel pushed there, some softer cracks and some deeper ones, make things look more like they are really there.

    anyways i guess these might help take it to a higher level but its still really good work mate.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
  • MaNtiS
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    MaNtiS polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks everyone for the feedback, I appreciate it. I do agree with tinman on the "grey look" I believe that is tweaking of the spec(it was rather rushed) so I need to fix that forsure. I also really didn't have a platform in mind, although im more of a lower poly modeler so im always thinking games(however, they are getting crazy now) film just isn't my gig yet. I do think though that I will put some shading in there just to add to it, would help it not be as flat as it can look.

    Shotgun - I agree with you about the cracks and the rocks, I will try to work on that some more(probably try to add some more vines here and there too, some draping ect). However I don't fully understand what you mean by "fog of war" if you could get or make a picture that would really help me out.

    I noticed some people said that there was wasted poly space and such, if you could directly point these areas out to me it would be alot more help then just saying its somewhere on the model, thanks. I do also have to animate him doing something but I don't know what yet!! (ideas anyone?)
  • Taimaishu
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    Taimaishu polycounter lvl 18
    Looks great! Nice texture.

    As for the animation, I would suggest something simple but characteristic. Something like him struggling holding a boulder on top of his head, knees bent really about to launch it.

    Just out of curiosity, what school is this that your attending?
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    personal thing, i suppose, but if you imagine him standing in a swamp,.. with fog.. well u get the idea. its like a really cheap environment.. might be cool tho


    okay, i admit, "fog of war" is a really bad term tongue.gif
    nu like this http://www.clanmacgaming.com/articles/images/Q3/q3fog2.jpg
  • MaNtiS
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    MaNtiS polycounter lvl 18
    Taimaishu - I'm attending the Center for Arts and Technology in Kelowna B.C. Canada (http://www.digitalartschool.com) im in the Game Production part(second year)

    I see what you mean shotgun, I think it looks better with some sort of fog, I think it would be pretty cool to have a really faded background aswell with the fog so that its not all black, because as you know.. black is boring and who likes boring! I will play around with things(depending on what my comp can handle of course haha, I will try to get some more work done on him quickly as I need an animation by next week) did anyone have somewhere or know any info where I could host that rotation video by the way?
  • Zeldrik
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    Zeldrik polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome work, I agree with the crits about the white spots on the diffuse texture, they are something you would expect the spec map to take care of. But otherwise its one fine asset, I really like it and I think this is the sort of detail we will be heading towards with next gen technology, half way between games as we know them and film.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    i agree with shotgun; just adding in a little colored fog like that would really help the presentation--and quite cheaply! smile.gif
  • RickA
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    RickA polycounter lvl 18
    Very nice. I would love a high res wallpaper (1600x1200) of this.

    What kind of animation system will you be using?

    And as for the video, if you want I can host it for you, just PM me.
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