4 new videos about the gameplay of Oblivion. This game looks really awesome. I was a big fan of Morrowind, and they seem to have fixed all the main problems from that...
It looks great, all the depth of character interaction and storyline. Not to mention that they've totally overhauled the character art, which was what Morrowind was mainly lacking in.
I can't wait!
[edit] Oh yeah, it has Patrick Stewart, too!

=still play daggerfall and morrowind=
full video at a higher res.
I agree bloom is overused, hopefully it'll be something you can toggle. The other thing was a seeming lack of emotion in the characters faces and the lip sync at times was off, but i'm nitpicking. It's still a game i'm wanting to get my hands on and play.
It would be a joy to work at bethesda on this game.
These are the guys working on the new Fallout as well right?
and yeah they are making the new installment for the best rpg ever...
Sad to know that i wont be playing this when it comes out... But i will when the second set of 360s comes out.
This looks really fantastic. A definate must-have.
These are the guys working on the new Fallout as well right?
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Yes indeedy. Fallout's gonna rock
Either way, it's definitely beautiful
I am, however, the #1 Fallout fan. Crossing my fingers for that one, too.
I never played the originals, so I don't know if there's more to it than slashin with the sword.
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Sonic: hehehehe... you don't know what you're missing!
However, I don't think it looks like something I'd enjoy. The actual gameplay, the interaction between you and the environment and the enemies, seems kind of standard fair, and not all that polished or fast paced fro what I can see. The fun seems to lie in the level of how much interaction and character growth you can attain. I've always been much more interested in the actual interactive gameplay aspect of the game.
Fast paced is definitely not how I would describe the Elder Scrolls
I like the idea of the "fast travel" thing - means you don't have to pay to go places you already know, and eliminates the annoying wandering through paths and forests you've already been through a hundred times. That was always the slowest and most unnecessary part of Morrowind, and I'm glad they've remedied it.
Either that...or starvation.
poop: yeah umm RPGs and fast paced don't go together. This is actually a hell of alot more fast paced than alot of rpgs, hell Fallout had turnbased combat, and you know what, it was badass.
Besides the fact that I dont liek the fanstasy RPG genre I wouldnt play becauase everything in that game looks so "dead" to me. Also I read an interview with the producer. I just wont pay for such a person who is just telling advertising crap and nothing really interesting...
Anyway. I am looking forward to see fallout 3 in nextgen graphics. Hopefully this will rock and they turn down blooming...or at least use it kinda sensful to simulate dust or seomthing. god I hate blooming... who invented that...
I just hope they make it approachable. One thing I think is the hardest to do, and I have the most respect for, is when a company can make a game approachable. Fun for the hardcore peeps, but still able to be played and enjoyed by people who are not fiends of the genre. Blizzard does this the best.
Because from what I've seen in these videos, I *want* to like it. I want to have fun playing it. I don't think an RPG has to be slow or turn based to be a fun RPG. I love the zelda series, and those are pretty RPG ish, Kotor was fun as well, Xmen Legends was good. All RPG's with good combat that didn't feel awkward and clunky.
Also, rockstar your Licht went down like a pussy. MUaaahahahahah
yeah i think most monsters died in like a couple of hits heh. which I thought was pretty damn cool, don't have to so obviously "deplete" their hitpoints anymore, seems like a much better way to do it, seriously though how many "swings" with a longsword should it take to take down a little zombified rotting corpse anyway?
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It was a bloody walkthrough, they use a maxed out char to show you crap, i really doubt enemies will drop like flies when you properly play the game...
Anyway, I think the frame stutters and jerks were because of XBoxyness... certainly older games that ran fine on the PC had trouble on the XBox, too...
I hope I'll be able to do the same with Oblivion.
Those graphics are just so tasty.
Anyway, I think the frame stutters and jerks were because of XBoxyness... certainly older games that ran fine on the PC had trouble on the XBox, too...
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Lets not forget the reverse was also true....Halo PC anyone? That game ran like ASS on the PC (at least when I played the demo), but pretty darn smooth on Xbox.
at the start they used a mouse driven UI system.... i HIGHLY doubt that will be that way on a console.
regardless, it looks sweet, and could be fun. I never played Morrowind, or any of those games.. but yeah - it still looks coo