In 2 days, I'll be moving to York, PA, to start art school at Bradley Academy for the Visual Arts, to get my associates degree in Animation. I just wanted to thank the community here, because I feel being here has made me a better artist. When I had gone in for my portfolio review, the man was suprised I had worked with max before and could make something half decent already, because usually kids go into his class with zero knowledge of the software. He also was suprised that I had taken time into looking into anatomy. The guy looked pretty hard, like he's seen some shit in his time, but he gave me, what I felt was a wonderful compliment, which was "I'm glad you're coming to this school."
I just felt like being grateful, and just wanted to say "thank you".
Keep us updated, and don't dissapear from the boards.
And yes, you'll find that anyone who uses the internet, especially for forums like this are waaaaayyy ahead of their classmates, even in nice art schools. And people who use art forums are few and far between. Hell, I dont really know anyone that uses them in my animation major...
i'm about to graduate and i've got something to pass by you last minute. i'm not sure how much thought you've put into this. these degrees are not cheap. honestly, think of what you could buy with your total tuition amount. i probably could have bought my way into a game company for 60k
"usually kids go into his class with zero knowledge of the software."
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this could very well be a red flag. you will look to the students to learn, just a thought.
"I'm glad you're coming to this school."
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who was he? maybe an "assistant director of admissions"?
chances are pretty good that guy doesn't know shit about art, and you may never see him your entire degree program. maybe for a business or ethics class.
one last word of advice. you are only paying for the opportunity to learn.
I've looked into this school quite I bit. I was looking at it for almost a year before I applied to it. I even talked to an Alumni one night at a coffee shop.
The 'specialized' schooling you pay extra for, but unfortunately and this is my own "personal" experience was in several of my classes myself and one other individual ended up being co-teachers of the class because so many people weren't 'tech savy' and the wheels stopped to the lowest common denominator so in Photoshop, I would be almost teaching the class and yet, I would get an A, and so would the people that were struggling..
It upset me so much, I left the school 8 classes shy of my AA in Computer Animation with a 4.0 GPA, I just didn't want to give them another 12,000 dollars to finish my degree, which I could get a state 'accredited' art degree for half that.
I've looked into this school quite [a] bit.
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great to hear, right on man, just look'n out for a brotha.
Good luck whereever your future takes you