hey folks, i've got a tech question and i was hoping that someone out there might have some insights.
i just bought a bunch of new comp parts, assembled it, and am having a few strange things happen with my internet connection. for the most part it's very fast, but there's a few strange thing's going on.
when trying to install XSI's licencing tool, it tells me that i dont have tcpip installed. what the hell? yes i do! anyone have any idea what this could be, before i have to yammer on the phone with some poor fellow?
i'm having trouble connecting in some cases over a p2p system. i can't seem to connect to anyone on dc++ or do a search, for that matter.. i also can't connect to anyone on bittorent.
little things like this are quite bothering me. anyone have any ideas to the possibilities? i have a feeling it's got something to do with my windows firewall, but i'll be damned if i can see what's wrong with it.. i'll keep looking.. -- edit.. hmm.. turning the firewall off completely makes no different..
btw-- i'm using the onboard GBLAN on my asus A8N-# (nforce 4) mobo.
thanks guys. i dont know what i'd do without you people

probably wither and die.
best of luck if it is your router and set up by your isp, they do have a habbit of messing with them, but if you get free help and they do set them up themselves then you can ask them to remotly configure it.
best of luck
Most consumer brand routers I know have everything except ports for mail, HTTP and news closed by default.
I hope that helps a bit..
i only have 1 network dealy-- my motherboard comes with onboard LAN. i'm not sure what a NAT config is on my router, but i'll google it.
tpe- that's strange-- the tcp/ip protocol is there in the list-.... it sure as hell looks like it's installed.
i had an online chat session with the people at linksys, the guys who made my router. they suggested that the problems i was having have to do with the instalation of my p2p programs. since they're fresh installs and an idiot could do that, i'm going to have to rule that out. oh well.
my friend reported having various problems with p2p after installing service pack 2. i have a strange feeling that sp2 is fuckin with me.
i just installed and tried to run nero 6 -- it says it's got a compatability problem with my version of windows. fuck, i'll bet it's sp2 messing with me. i'll have to figgure out how to rollback to sp1..
grrr.... anyway, maybe i'll try giving my isp a shout and seeing if they have any ideas.
edit -- woo hoo! i'm making progress, slowly but surely. i got a hold of my network tech cousin (always a good family member to have.) and he gave me a few tips. i set up a few of my p2p programs and they appear to be running correctly. now the only problem i have is my spm license server install file saying that my tcpip protocol isn't installed. my cousin suggests that it's possible that SP2 doesn't allow un-signed software to access tcpip for security reasons. hm.. i'll do some checks.
I found this the other day while trying to set up my network in my house. Apparently there is a new TCP/IP in SP2 or something. I've never seen this version 6 before. Anyways, after I did that, I was able to share drives between computers. It wouldn't do that prior.
thanks alot guys, im slowly getting this problem licked.