Redesigned my site last week and needed a logo so i created this guy..
Trying to get back into art... at 33, and getting ready to back to school full time for a graphic arts degree.. kinda scary..
any crits, advice, etc greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!
It looks pretty cool...cant think of anything except Planet of the Apes, but thats to be expected i guess
The contrast between the monkey and the background is horrid ...the edges of the monkey seem very rough, it's almost as if the monkey is at a lower resolution than the's really making me want to almost not look at it, you know? Try and smooth him out a bit, maybe take some of the realism out of the background (I dont know if you made that background or slapped the monkey on their), however, I would suggest remaking the background and making it more, cartoony? I think it would match more
I think that's it, but maybe im just too tired to think. Don't get me wrong though bro, looks pretty cool and i like it, just trying to help you out with some solid going back to school (especially full time) I know it will be hard for you, but you will do awesome
Removed the space background and replaced it with a cartoony one, gonna add something to his hand then as well.. thanks for the crits..