Wheeeeee! Fun game. If you have Aria of Sorrow make sure to plug it in when you start the game to get the Rare Ring.
It was even 5 Euros cheaper than the other DS games, Meteos is probably DOA now. Who'd want a falling-blocks game when you can have one of the best Castlevania games out there for less?
The ranged weapons seem a bit overpowered, I'm slaughtering everything with my Tomahawks at the moment.
Glad to hear DoS didn't disappoint, I was a bit skeptical when I saw the new concept art, thought they'd gone all cutesy but that clearly isn't the case. Any other games you'd recommend?
Okay, now to catch all those souls and hope that the reward is as cool as AoS's Chaos Ring (infinite mana)...
The Julius Mode is much more fleshed out than last time but this time it involves actual levelling instead of "get stronger when you beat a boss". So it's less suitable for speedruns than Aria of Sorrow's.
The..DS..games line-up is looking good. (PSP's is dismal
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hahaha, OKAY.....
Castlevania looks great, and I'll more than likely pick it up. It's about time they did that series justice again.
I still hate the design Soma Cruz though. With his white hair, white coat and white boots; not very heroic. He reminds me of the keyboard player from Duran Duran for some reason...
Soma is quite lame, we were spoiled in SotN with Richter and Alucard.
I tried to pick it up today but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO they didn't have any. Doh.
it is a LOT of fun though, solid game through and through
DS power
There doesn't seem to be as many inventory items as in past games? It felt like I used the same weapon for over half of the game.
I'm near the end (I think) and have seen 2 endings so far, by accident.
The animations are great, though. Very smooth. Feels like street fighter 3 quality.
Oh and no harm in getting the 2 bad endings. You need to get one of them to unlock Julius mode. In that mode you can play as Alucard (still nothing like he was in SotN however).
just beat it and got the best ending. The second mode is awesome.....i love the whip. I wanna see a new 2D castlevania where the main character is a Belmont, and they use a whip....that would be nice....
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Oh heck yeah. the julius mode is VERY fun... except I was hoping you'd get to play as the gun military guy too.. now THAT would have made the mode complete.
the gameplay is always awesome though.
KDR 11k - the reason I found it to be so easy is probably because I collect everything. I was using the sickle skelerang combo for awhile, till I got the uber sword and matrix punches. I ened up being like... level 70 when I decided I had collected enough to beat the game. The sad thing is though, is that I had only been playing it for 10-15 hours total when I got to that point.
AFAIK all the weapons from Aria of Sorrow are available again.
I just couldn't go back to melee weapons after using the sickle/skelerang for so long. Melee weapons are so slow and force you to stop moving while you're using them. I can only imagine how annoying the attacks of Menace are when you only have melee range. Overall I found it easier to use the sickles and while it took forever to destroy menace the rest fell rather easily. Plus I didn't need to farm souls to make my weapon better.
AFAIK all the weapons from Aria of Sorrow are available again.
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Which guy was menace? the third ending boss? I never knew any of their names.
Also, I'm a collecting fiend, so I enjoyed the soul farming and the weaponhunt. I did use the sickles a lot on that thirdending boss, but the uber sword did something lik 200 damage for me at the end... using the finalguard soul made the rest of the game cake.
blankslate: Menace is AFAIK the English name of the final boss.
The one that lets you gain HP when you sit down?
How do I get access to the lower left corner of the map?
Passage from the waterfall area seems impossible... there are spikes underwater and there's a huge wall blocking my way.
I used the Bone Altar soul, seems like it's the only reason to get it.