I think MMPORPG's should take it a step further and give each race their own language... and as part of the game... force the player to learn their races language ...
Yeah, I've been meaning to take some time off and learn Black Speech, Khuzdûl, Quenya, and Sindarin. But right now it may be more beneficial to learn Spanish.
They already do that in SWG. Just everybody except wookies speak common most of the time. Wookies can only speak wookie but can learn other languages so they can at least understand them.
Hollowmind: I think he meant that the player himself has to learn a language (like Klingon, Elvish, etc), not that the game will tell him "you don't understand what that guy is saying, learn his language for 100 credits". That may work (and probably is already implemented) in some kind of uberdork MUD.
yeah.. the way it's currently implemented in games is stupid... i want to make the player learn an actual language.. and the developers to actually write a language for each race... that would be hott
The warcraft system of Horde and Alliance having a different language ( but still being able to gesticulate at each other ) but of course that language is actually English on both sides is simple but works a treat.
I don't think we need to make mmorpgs even more of a life/time sucker now do we?
I totally want to try and set up a 20 man raid and not be able to communicate with 95% of players...
WoW has languages for each race, you can take the time to learn them and you can even force your character to speak/type in them but for the sake of everyone around you, all players on your side speak common as default. That doesn't mean you can't be the only guy on your server spouting things in dwarvish, you can, but it is not default. It would be hell trying to get anything done if langs where forced...
It also makes sense that a common lang exsists, since dwarves, elves, and humans all fought several wars together. Communication is key in war.
General Joebob[human]: opps sorry mr dwarf I thought your sneeze was the order to lead a calvery charge, next time get your tiny ppl out of the way of the big horsies oOOookay? General Joebobpats ironkeg on the head General Ironkegbludgons Joebob to death with his bare hands ***!ALLIANCE LOSES!***
Alliance common is different than Horde common so when you come across a player of the oposite faction all you see is,
mogoguypan says: ogg klesk uorg moh
which means: suck my utters b!tch
I think its perfect the way it is in WoW. Its not so much of a pain in the ass that I have to spend 6 months learning 8 langs just to play the game. But I COULD do that, IF I wanted to, which I don't... as I suspect 95% of the player would also like it, a nice side option but not manditory.
I think other games like Everquest and Ultima Online (if in doubt, bring up UO, any thinkable feature probably has been in there first) included that already.
Though I could really imagine that some MUD out there forces its players to learn fantasy languages, I mean MUDs are for the hardcore nerds so I wouldn't put it beyond them.
The warcraft system of Horde and Alliance having a different language ( but still being able to gesticulate at each other ) but of course that language is actually English on both sides is simple but works a treat.
I don't think we need to make mmorpgs even more of a life/time sucker now do we?
[/ QUOTE ]
Only that it is (was?) hackable by changeing ONE file on the CLIENT side!!
Why the hell put more languages in the mix.
If you've ever taken the time to play Guild Wars, Final Fantasy XI, etc..
you'll be barraged with German, French, English, Korean and Japanese speaking playing. Try learning them first, then when the world is proficient enough to actually communicate without speaking slowly and loudly. then we can think about making up language to learn that have no use outside of a game environment.
It wouldn't be that hard to enforce really, if a weapon that was built by a race could only be described in the race's language from which it was made, then in order for the player to beable to use and upgrade it properly, they'd have to learn the language... would be kinda fun if you ask me... and i'm pretty sure that the language that is shown for the horde if you're on the alliance is just garbage... and not a real language.. a series of random words that are generated for that line of text that is typed... nothing real.
who wants to develope these languages with me... ?
we'll base it off of english, that way it's simple... any other language is too stupid to worry about anyway.. like, who the hell speaks spanish anymore anyway? and... german... pahpee kock....!!! it's all rubish...
btw... the topic of this post was indeed.. "something stupid" ... and i did say it was a bad idea.
like, who the hell speaks spanish anymore anyway? and... german... pahpee kock....!!! it's all rubish...
i love you
[/ QUOTE ]
Ooh only about 8 per cent of your nations population.
It's a really silly idea sorry. mmorpgs do not need to be more time consuming than they allready are. I see them ruining peoples lives, and yeah, I said ruining. I see friends at work getting fatter and less and less social all the time. I'm cold turkey with WoW, and intend to keep it that way.
if a weapon that was built by a race could only be described in the race's language from which it was made, then in order for the player to beable to use and upgrade it properly, they'd have to learn the language
Since only NPCs and a few hardcore RPers will completely ignore requests in another language and NPCs have very limited vocabularies there will probably be sheets of common phrases for each language detailling everything you need to progress in the game without having to really speak the language. Some people will probably hack an auto-translator into their client.
Ash nazg durbatulûk!
The warcraft system of Horde and Alliance having a different language ( but still being able to gesticulate at each other ) but of course that language is actually English on both sides is simple but works a treat.
I don't think we need to make mmorpgs even more of a life/time sucker now do we?
WoW has languages for each race, you can take the time to learn them and you can even force your character to speak/type in them but for the sake of everyone around you, all players on your side speak common as default. That doesn't mean you can't be the only guy on your server spouting things in dwarvish, you can, but it is not default. It would be hell trying to get anything done if langs where forced...
It also makes sense that a common lang exsists, since dwarves, elves, and humans all fought several wars together. Communication is key in war.
General Joebob[human]: opps sorry mr dwarf I thought your sneeze was the order to lead a calvery charge, next time get your tiny ppl out of the way of the big horsies oOOookay?
General Joebob pats ironkeg on the head
General Ironkeg bludgons Joebob to death with his bare hands
Alliance common is different than Horde common so when you come across a player of the oposite faction all you see is,
mogoguypan says: ogg klesk uorg moh
which means: suck my utters b!tch
I think its perfect the way it is in WoW. Its not so much of a pain in the ass that I have to spend 6 months learning 8 langs just to play the game. But I COULD do that, IF I wanted to, which I don't... as I suspect 95% of the player would also like it, a nice side option but not manditory.
Though I could really imagine that some MUD out there forces its players to learn fantasy languages, I mean MUDs are for the hardcore nerds so I wouldn't put it beyond them.
yep, bad idea
The warcraft system of Horde and Alliance having a different language ( but still being able to gesticulate at each other ) but of course that language is actually English on both sides is simple but works a treat.
I don't think we need to make mmorpgs even more of a life/time sucker now do we?
[/ QUOTE ]
Only that it is (was?) hackable by changeing ONE file on the CLIENT side!!
If you've ever taken the time to play Guild Wars, Final Fantasy XI, etc..
you'll be barraged with German, French, English, Korean and Japanese speaking playing. Try learning them first, then when the world is proficient enough to actually communicate without speaking slowly and loudly.
who wants to develope these languages with me... ?
we'll base it off of english, that way it's simple... any other language is too stupid to worry about anyway.. like, who the hell speaks spanish anymore anyway? and... german... pahpee kock....!!! it's all rubish...
btw... the topic of this post was indeed.. "something stupid"
i love you
like, who the hell speaks spanish anymore anyway? and... german... pahpee kock....!!! it's all rubish...
i love you
[/ QUOTE ]
Ooh only about 8 per cent of your nations population.
It's a really silly idea sorry. mmorpgs do not need to be more time consuming than they allready are. I see them ruining peoples lives, and yeah, I said ruining. I see friends at work getting fatter and less and less social all the time. I'm cold turkey with WoW, and intend to keep it that way.
Since only NPCs and a few hardcore RPers will completely ignore requests in another language and NPCs have very limited vocabularies there will probably be sheets of common phrases for each language detailling everything you need to progress in the game without having to really speak the language. Some people will probably hack an auto-translator into their client.
ik eet een kaneelbroodje
я ем плюшку циннамона
yo estoy comiendo un bollo del cinamomo
and finally
i'm eating a cinnamon bun...
apparently chinese and russian aren't valid languages in polycountdonia... boo! another reason we should make our own...