Good episode, but it seemed to drag in the middle. I'm also growing tired of shows that don't come to some kind of conclusion at the end of the show. I don't mind suspense, but it would be nice for a COUPLE shows to end without requiring you to catch the outcome in the first five minutes next week. Then again, maybe I'm just feeling bitchy right now
Vig: Yeah, House is my other fav right now. I'm also a sucker for Survivor and the Apprentice. I'm not sure that I'll like the Martha Stewart version though. I can't stand watching her fake being nice.
damn man. fucking awesome as usual, but i wish they would tell us more! waited all summer to find shit out only to have 1 question partway answered but raise a million more questions.
The guy driving the 3rd car in the car accident was Locke. They just haven't told you about the third car yet. Oh, and the plane was being co-piloted by Oprah Winfrey when it crashed. Coincidence? I think not!
I never noticed that... finally joining in on this thread as I need my Lost fix, Brother.
I didn't like the last episodes of series one, that smoke was poor. I was really hoping for some sort of massive mechwarrior thing to come stomping in. However judging by that polar bear, I doubt it would have been convincing.
I think this episode answered so many questions, they finally let the cat out of the bag. It's good to know the story has actually been planned out, unlike so many other series that just bolt bits on as after thoughts, like star wars for example
3 things bug me about the show: (1) no one uses cameras. I mean you'd think they would be snapping away with all the hundreds of digicams and film cameras in peoples luggage. (2) how the fuck do they know it's an island? (3) why are "mr brother"'s washing machines new, but his stereo is old?
In that last episode of season 1, MAJOR SPOILER HERE, who else jumped out of thier skin when lesley went boom!?
So I started watching this.. good show, cant help but look for "clues" as to whats going on, but I think I keep finding F-ups in production. For example:
- mid season one, when Walt is with his Ma and his new semi-dad and the bird hits the window. Right before that scene around when his mom is feeling sick there is a blond girl in the room. You can see her clear as day in the back of the room in one of the cuts. Looks like shes just sitting in a chair hanging out.
-The other I noticed is, apparently there were boom mics on the plane. Because as the raft is leaving and there is a shot looking back to the beach there is a boom mic operater somewhere in the crowd holding his long ass fuzzy mic above everyones head. Maybe theres a camera crew living in the hatch too??:\
So I started watching this.. good show, cant help but look for "clues" as to whats going on, but I think I keep finding F-ups in production. For example:
- mid season one, when Walt is with his Ma and his new semi-dad and the bird hits the window. Right before that scene around when his mom is feeling sick there is a blond girl in the room. You can see her clear as day in the back of the room in one of the cuts. Looks like shes just sitting in a chair hanging out.
-The other I noticed is, apparently there were boom mics on the plane. Because as the raft is leaving and there is a shot looking back to the beach there is a boom mic operater somewhere in the crowd holding his long ass fuzzy mic above everyones head. Maybe theres a camera crew living in the hatch too??:\
[/ QUOTE ]
Seriously man.. Look for errors and you will find em. Just kick back and enjoy the show alright?
oh I am, Just thought it was funny, looking for extra details in the scenes and such. I only started watching recently after hearing Adam and many others saying how good it is. I thought everyone liked finding things in tv\movies that production missed:)
Yah, Episode 2 was the pits to say the least. I only enjoyed the last 2 minutes of it aswell as the logo showing up on the shark - which I didn't find out until later (couple days after it aired).
Anyone have a screenshot of the shark's tail? I saw the show and the shark, but didn't notice the symbol.
The show did move slow. Too much of the water stuff... I'm sure so they could leave the suspense at the beach. Again, wish they could end some shows with something completed.
I kinda like that episode, Nice to see what happen in the first, from another point of view, The flashback was a bit lame tho, we knew all of that already, Funny when Mickeal gave the bear toy as a gift for walt hehe
b1ll: i agree. not all flashback backstories were created equal--michael's story with walt has pretty much been told, watching any of his flashbacks now is like pulling teeth
"walt's coming with me"
"you're a penniless cripple"
-awkward silence-
repeat for the remainder of flashback. there, i just wrote the next michael flashback!
Anyone notice that the shark has a diffrent symbol than the rest? Look at the center its not the same. That one just has a line threw a circle. The other creates a semi yinyang with a line of text crossing threw it.
Yeah, the ones we've seen so far have the swan in the center. The one on the shark is basically a straight line (some have said it's a serpent). Sounds to me like there was a division on the island among "the others". There's also word that the second half the the plane landed on the island also and there were survivors (one shown in the next week previews). The other group has a military type leader supposedly. But that's likely just speculation.
There are some interesting theories on some of the forums out there. One is based on a Dr with the name Desmond that had a theory in the 70s I believe, about studying life surrounding artificial gravity (the magnet in the lab). His theorys described a hexagon dome. If I can find the link again, I'll post it.
After reading the first few posts of this thread a few weeks ago, I had a bit of an interest in the show.. ( I have to admit I knew absolutely ZERO about it before hand) then one of the other guys I work with was talking about it and he let a few freaky plot twist slip, and I was really intrigued.. He goes to his locker, and pulls out the entire First season on DVD and I proceed to go home and veg for 16+ hours (over a period of a few days) to watch it and I was HOOKED.. In my opinion, it has to be one of the BEST shows I have ever watched.. I find myself trying to take in everything on the screen at once to look for clues as to whats going on..
In order to catch up on Season 2 I read the synapsis' from the LOST website then finished it up wih episode 4 the past Wed night.. What kills me is i have to not only sit through commercials, but I have to wait next week for more..
Curse you all.. Im also tempted to actually play those numbers in the Lotto here in NY, but alas I bet it would be like a scene out of Bruce Almighty where 13,000 people win.. HAHA
haha, yeah, I've heard that a lot from the people playing catch up with the DVD. The get spoiled by the speed of the DVD Then again, you COULD just wait until season two is over and they release the next set :P
Yeah the next "new" episode withh be on Nov 9th.. This past week wasa repeat of Episode 2 from the season (2) and next should be episode 3.. Some messed up things are going to be revealed, including one of the main female characters getting killed.. (there are multiple articles on the net and in a few of the local papers the last week or so here in NY)
I did notice a few things in last Wednesdays repeat though, that "changed" in the rebroadcast...The main thing is the LACK of the Dharma symbol on the sharks fin (unlike the picture previousely posted here) at first I thought maybe it was cut just to be able to add a few more commercials (which it seems there are more of recently) but then I realized that they still showed the shark pass by, but it was a totallty edited scene.. that is, NO DHARMA symbol.. WHY ?? Were the viewers to observant and noticed something they didn't want so obvious ?? or are they changing the original storyline a bit ? This show keeps me guessing at every moment, its driving me NUTS !!
Vig: Yeah, House is my other fav right now. I'm also a sucker for Survivor and the Apprentice. I'm not sure that I'll like the Martha Stewart version though. I can't stand watching her fake being nice.
Also; the island was quarantined(being that it was locked from the inside and it was written from the inside) and not the hatch.
next wednesday cant come fast enough!
wtfomgz :O
what are they saying in that walt clip? Is that from the show? Is it backwards? I wasn't able to pay catch the whole show. I kept getting disruptions
Did someone photoshop this, or is it actually from the show. I saw this episode, but I wasn't paying attention at this moment.
I didn't like the last episodes of series one, that smoke was poor. I was really hoping for some sort of massive mechwarrior thing to come stomping in. However judging by that polar bear, I doubt it would have been convincing.
I think this episode answered so many questions, they finally let the cat out of the bag. It's good to know the story has actually been planned out, unlike so many other series that just bolt bits on as after thoughts, like star wars for example
3 things bug me about the show: (1) no one uses cameras. I mean you'd think they would be snapping away with all the hundreds of digicams and film cameras in peoples luggage. (2) how the fuck do they know it's an island? (3) why are "mr brother"'s washing machines new, but his stereo is old?
In that last episode of season 1, MAJOR SPOILER HERE, who else jumped out of thier skin when lesley went boom!?
those numbers look familiar? the writters have thought of everything man.
or was that 13?
- mid season one, when Walt is with his Ma and his new semi-dad and the bird hits the window. Right before that scene around when his mom is feeling sick there is a blond girl in the room. You can see her clear as day in the back of the room in one of the cuts. Looks like shes just sitting in a chair hanging out.
-The other I noticed is, apparently there were boom mics on the plane. Because as the raft is leaving and there is a shot looking back to the beach there is a boom mic operater somewhere in the crowd holding his long ass fuzzy mic above everyones head. Maybe theres a camera crew living in the hatch too??:\
So I started watching this.. good show, cant help but look for "clues" as to whats going on, but I think I keep finding F-ups in production. For example:
- mid season one, when Walt is with his Ma and his new semi-dad and the bird hits the window. Right before that scene around when his mom is feeling sick there is a blond girl in the room. You can see her clear as day in the back of the room in one of the cuts. Looks like shes just sitting in a chair hanging out.
-The other I noticed is, apparently there were boom mics on the plane. Because as the raft is leaving and there is a shot looking back to the beach there is a boom mic operater somewhere in the crowd holding his long ass fuzzy mic above everyones head. Maybe theres a camera crew living in the hatch too??:\
[/ QUOTE ]
Seriously man.. Look for errors and you will find em. Just kick back and enjoy the show alright?
The show did move slow. Too much of the water stuff... I'm sure so they could leave the suspense at the beach. Again, wish they could end some shows with something completed.
For those interested, here's a link that has images describing that symbol and the show
"walt's coming with me"
"you're a penniless cripple"
-awkward silence-
repeat for the remainder of flashback. there, i just wrote the next michael flashback!
There are some interesting theories on some of the forums out there. One is based on a Dr with the name Desmond that had a theory in the 70s I believe, about studying life surrounding artificial gravity (the magnet in the lab). His theorys described a hexagon dome. If I can find the link again, I'll post it.
It was a good episode. Things finally felt like they were advancing.
After reading the first few posts of this thread a few weeks ago, I had a bit of an interest in the show.. ( I have to admit I knew absolutely ZERO about it before hand) then one of the other guys I work with was talking about it and he let a few freaky plot twist slip, and I was really intrigued.. He goes to his locker, and pulls out the entire First season on DVD and I proceed to go home and veg for 16+ hours (over a period of a few days) to watch it and I was HOOKED.. In my opinion, it has to be one of the BEST shows I have ever watched.. I find myself trying to take in everything on the screen at once to look for clues as to whats going on..
In order to catch up on Season 2 I read the synapsis' from the LOST website then finished it up wih episode 4 the past Wed night.. What kills me is i have to not only sit through commercials, but I have to wait next week for more..
Curse you all..
Oh and here;s a recap of season one, set to Weird Al Yankovick's version of "Bohemian Rhapsody".
maybe it'll appear sometime after the weekend.
I did notice a few things in last Wednesdays repeat though, that "changed" in the rebroadcast...The main thing is the LACK of the Dharma symbol on the sharks fin (unlike the picture previousely posted here) at first I thought maybe it was cut just to be able to add a few more commercials (which it seems there are more of recently) but then I realized that they still showed the shark pass by, but it was a totallty edited scene.. that is, NO DHARMA symbol.. WHY ?? Were the viewers to observant and noticed something they didn't want so obvious ?? or are they changing the original storyline a bit ? This show keeps me guessing at every moment, its driving me NUTS !!
..anyone else have some thoughts ??
If you havn't listened to the other podcasts before, start now! They are awsome.
2 DAYS!!