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Attitudes of Gamers

polycounter lvl 18
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PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
Have you guys ever played a game, and just have someone flip out on you? I was just playing CS (I know it's not known for friendly players but still) and this guy go so pissed off at me for.. get this, shooting him until his health was down to 20%. He just go so mad at me. We weren't on the same team or anything... He just got pissed at me for playing the game.
Then when this happens people just join in, because if they're on the side that's complaining for some reason it makes them feel larger than life.
Just a little rant I guess.


  • Mark Dygert
    I stopped playing CS and CS:S for the reasons you mentioned above. Oh excuse me for killing you while you t-bag'ed my dead teamate.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Speaking of which:

    That was fun.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, usually people who think they're awesome at some game or other, or are just sore losers, always complain.

    I encountered a lot of them on Q3 OSP servers - the kind who'd have quite high kill rates, and would always laugh when they kill someone: "Hahah you got owned!" ... yet when I kill them perfectly legitimately (often in the same manner as they kill others) it's always "Wtf, that's bullshit, you suck!"...

    Really lame, which is why I only really play multiplayer games over a LAN with friends now.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    My cousin used to be pretty serious about CS and was into tournaments and stuff. He would often erupt into a fit of rage, but it was usually a strange sort of fake/sarcastic rage. Sometimes (rarely) it would turn into genuine anger, but usually it was just to get a rise out of whomever he was screaming at. It was actually quite funny to watch.

    [edit] I forgot to mention that my cousin rarely played on public servers, so most of the outbursts I was referring to were directed to people he personally knew (or friends of friends). Or sometimes a stranger would join a server full of his clan members, and he would haze them.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    WTF? Someone gets mad at you for shooting them, when they are on the other team?

    Cheaters, team killers, and annoying taunt key binds are pretty much the only things that really piss me off. I consider pretty much everything else fair game, even though it might be annoying. Spawn spam, camping, bunnyhopping, etc., I consider fair play, and should be able to fight my way through even if it frustrates me a bit.

    Other than that, I sometimes yell at myself when I'm playing poorly. (Wife loves that!) But I don't use Teamspeak or Ventrillo, so only the beloved Mrs. knows about my insanely competitive outbursts.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I encountered a lot of them on Q3 OSP servers - the kind who'd have quite high kill rates, and would always laugh when they kill someone: "Hahah you got owned!" ... yet when I kill them perfectly legitimately (often in the same manner as they kill others) it's always "Wtf, that's bullshit, you suck!"...

    Really lame, which is why I only really play multiplayer games over a LAN with friends now

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually its worse in LAN games when this happens.....
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 20
    The online atmosphere changed a lot when it ceased being expensive to play games online.

  • Nilium
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    Nilium polycounter lvl 18
    I'll have you know that was my dead body in that picture.
  • Dukester
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    Dukester polycounter lvl 18
    As some of you know, I am still heavily into the Q2 scene.
    While there are a lot of fresh faces and a lot of them are really fun and good sports, there are still the old and the new assholes still around.

    My pet peeves are as follows...

    The guy who is always screaming "BOT"
    (If you can actually frag me then obviously, you must be a bot)

    The guy with the annoying sex comments (striaght and gay, about even)

    The spawn killers.

    Anyone who uses the words "owned" or "pwned" at the end of the game.

    Refreshingly there are still plenty of good sports out there.

    (and still there are people hacking Q2 amazingly enough)
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I had a guy go anal on me cause he TK'ed me in CS:Source Zombie server, and I turned him into a freeze bomb (you become stuck and everyone else around him, and you can only shoot once and your gun is auto dropped). He was like "you'll jeopardized the whole team!" then wouldn't get off my case cause I punished him for no reason. (and then went to go on a ego trip how he was better in life than me)

    And here I though zombie servers were suppose to be fun, and with the reason with all the TK punisment options.

    Some people just can't relax and have fun these days...
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    its all part of the fun smile.gif
  • JordanW
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    JordanW polycounter lvl 19
    I have to agree the general attitude of gamers kinda stinks at times. In reality people refrain from being all out dicks straight to your face because of the reprocutions. They dont know how you will react, it'll make them look bad, and it'll hurt their reputation with other people in real life. Being online pretty much takes out all of those conciquences. I mean really, do you think if you were walking down the street some 12 year old would jump in your face and scream "You just got pwned!!!111 teabag!"

    This also remindes me of why I feel so bad for MMO developers, everyone's an expert on game balancing and everyone bitches about it :P
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    It's always good to hop on a new online game early on when most people still suck at it and there are few servers filled with cheaters. After a while it becomes a hardcore fanboy playground and I tend to move on. Also,


    Not to be cliche and link to Penny Arcade or anything like that.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    as highly as i hold the teamwork and teamplay balance in BF2, i still readily come across geniuses lawding themselves.. and it's even worse when it's a squad leader or, god forbid, the commander, who's railing on everyone beneath them. I tend figure out what i consider the best course of action, and if i think that those in charge are actually making good decisions (and others are actually acting on them), i will follow orders.
    i play raven shield a lot, and respect the servers where players take the whole swat / counterterrorist mentality seriously and try to play with actual tactics, and will play along if possible.
    as for bad attitudes, i've seen a fair share of CS/CS:S geniuses, but my real favs are of all places, on Xbox Live for Burnout 2 and Halo... i disabled voice com for that... nothing like hearing guys not old enough to have a driver's license swearing like a drunken sailor at you or just in general.
  • Raven
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    Raven polycounter lvl 18
    ah at that age any word you can't say in-front of your parents is considered cool. i've always found it amusing hearing some squeaky pre-pubesent sitting there screaming abuse at you. it's often incoherant or they rely on the same words.

    personally I don't care much cause I'm often playing just for the fun of it. sod everyone else, it's a game so worth just having a laugh.

    some of these ppl are kinda missing the point if they're playing games to get all amped up. keep telling my brother that too, cause whenever a game doesn't go his way he gets all mardy, throwing the controller on the floor and swearing blue murder it's cheating.

    i mean games are suppose to be for entertainment and relaxation, no? not to stress you out more so than before.
  • Ryno
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    Ryno polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    In reality people refrain from being all out dicks straight to your face because of the reprocutions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah I suppose that could be a factor, seeing as how I'm 6'2, 220, and compete in full contact martial arts competitions. If only physical intimidation could carry over into online gaming, these smart ass kids might get the idea that they should sometimes shut their mouths.
  • Jes
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    Jes polycounter lvl 18
    There should be an online law, enticing players to "Quit Whining!" wink.gif

    But seriously, kids nowaday talk too much smack, and most don't even have the slightest ounce of talent or intelligence to back it up!

    It's downright depressing... :/
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i don't use voice on most games, mostly just because i don't feel like talking to people or hearing people talk when i play games, them typing smack does not bother me at all, and the best thing you can do is just ignore them, it drives them BONKERS.

    what does anoy me (BF2) when server admins make up random rules about things they don't personaly like, "NO SUICIDE BOMBING IN THE JEEP" "NO BASECAPPING IN THE BLACK HAWK" "NO SPAWN CAMPING"! i personaly don't like the blackhawk / engineer combo i think its cheap and refuse to do it any more, and anytime i catch anyone doing it i will hijack the first plane or chopper i see and stick it nose first in the black hawk.. this pisses people off because their giant indestructable free point machine is not suposed to blow up

  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    The 1.3 patch supposedly makes repairing the Blackhawk from inside impossible.

    Can't blackhawks be taken down with a double pack of stingers?
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