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Poor attempt at a celebrity likeness.

polycounter lvl 20
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ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20

and my refs
Gene Hackman refs collected from web

I've still got quite a way to go yet before exporting, constructing my low-poly cage & normal mapping/diffuse painting.

Thanks for looking, try not to laugh too hard. crazy.gif


  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Not bad at all Scooby, pretty nice in fact. A little wide in the sides of his head beyond the eyes perhaps?
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Awsome! I was hoping, if nobody else, you'd reply Daz, given your experience with this type of work.
  • JKMakowka
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    JKMakowka polycounter lvl 18
    Reminds me a bit more of this guy:

    [never mind, I am stupid]

    (Adenauer; first chancellor of the BRD)

    At least the first shot... don't know why exactly, after a second look, it is kind of similar to Mr. Hackman.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    hey, it totally reminds me of the German "external image links are not allowed" Guy too!

    keep working at it Scoob. Daz does spot on likenesses as we know, so you can't be too far off from getting a pretty good likeness if you pay attention to his crits smile.gif
  • PaK
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    PaK polycounter lvl 18
    i think it's pretty good too. He looks very old tho. Perhaps a more flatering renderer would make me feel different?

    I dunno much about this stuff though :P

  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20

    similarity, huh? wink.gif

    lolzers, no just kidding, looking good,
    deffinately got that scoobness to it,
    thats style, right there! smile.gif
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Hahah, thanks guys. I think I've got some ideas to improve it now. Just needed a break and a good nights sleep to restore some objectivity.
    I'll update sometime soon.
    Please, keep the crits coming!
  • Irritant
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    Irritant polycounter lvl 18
    The nostrils seem a little scrunched "up", kind of like he's squinting a bit. Otherwise, good likeness.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    scooby, come on now.. we all know your good.. why put stuff like "poor" in front of your post.. sure it needs a little work.. but its far from poor.. quit begging for compliments.. you know you'll get them.. just post it with out the pity party..

    i think the head is placed too far back on the neck.. bring it forward a tad.. and the cheeks seem a little too caved in.. give him a little more meat .. looking good tho.. give yourslef more credit..
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Arsh: I only say that because I let Poop mess with it while he was out here. He "tainted" it, therefor making it poor!

    Kidding! He helped me with some loops and such during his visit.
    And, Im not really fishing for compliments. As nice as it is to hear it, I prefer hard honest crits. Im just never happy with my own work is all!
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    ooohhh you let poop mess with.. man.. okay your allowed to use poor.. i mean its only one letter away.. why not?
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    No crits.
    Gene Hackman is an asshole.
  • Sett
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    Sett polycounter lvl 18
    My first imperssion was Ed Asner.

    I think it is just the expression you model has.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20

    Minor update!
    More crits please? This is really hard! but fun!
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Looking better. I think you defined the area going from chin to jowls too dramatically. He seems to have a fairly smooth jawline for an old guy, most of his bumps and wrinkles are inside the fance structure. Keep it up man.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20

    Ug. I did a paintover at work to see how he'd look when "done" and Im even more dissatisfied than before.
    NOBODY at work had any idea who it was supposed to be. Very discouraging. frown.gifmad.gif
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    It's really not as far out as you think Scoob. Choosing the more recent version of him to model is harder. All that sagging skin starts to get in the way of the likeness smile.gif

    As Arsh touched on earlier, there's still something a little awkward about how the head sits on the body. It looks like perhaps the back of his neck and the highest point of his shoulder there are sort of flat at the back somehow? It feels like If I took a cross section through the neck of your model it would be almost triangular?

    As for the likeness, I think Hackman has more fat on his upper lids perhaps? And is his nose quite that big? Perhaps the indentation under the cheekbone is a little deep? And I think you're overdoing the bags under the eyes. Sometimes to get to the last 5 per cent of a likeness stills aren't enough. You have to see the head in 3D. And the only way to do that is grab some frames from a recent movie he's in. Don't be discouraged! It's always the last tiny percentage that's elusive.

  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah he's really not far off man. Definantly some more upper eyelids. Also i think the line from his nose to down needs to be pinched its not that bulbous in any pictures ive seen. Also that dip in his cheek seems to to deep to me. May be the lighting angles though.

    Keep going man.
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    your paintover is a definite likeness--in addition to what daz points out, i think you need to hone in on exactly what age/period hackman you're trying to portray. the paintover strongly suggests that we're looking at a more or less up to date or non-movie hackman, a little grizzled. some people have difficulty immediately identifying some stars when they're not all made up for a movie, so i'd say it'd be to your benefit to buckle down and model a very specific hackman, like Royal Tenenbaums hackman. since, well, if you're going to have to watch a movie to grab specific ref shots, might as well be a great movie smile.gif

    but keep up the good work, man, and it is good work. don't get discouraged.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20

    Here is the latest, after taking Daz' advice I watching a few Hackman movies on the PC here...tabbing back & forth between DVD & Zbrush.

    Crit away please!
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20

    i think he's neck is pretty thick,
    but ye man much better now and really it looks good.
    the mistake of the neck may be because it seems to cut in from the chin at the level of the beard, and not on the actual level of the chin itself. when you look at it from profile, look at his jaw bone and the close-ness of the neck fat.. it slopes down real fast.. and i think it should "stretch" out from the base of neck more

    ye well, anyways, good job mate smile.gif
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    the changes you made to the bridge of his nose really pushed it in the right direction with me. it's really starting to look like the bastard.
  • bearkub
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    bearkub polycounter lvl 20
    I have to agree with kp in the fact that your recent changes have really tilted him to look a lot more like your reference. Good job, Scoob. Stick with it.
  • John Warner
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    John Warner polycounter lvl 18
    the cool thing about trying to model someone is that even if don't nail it, you still get a very nice, human looking head.

    great job, i say. it doesn't look too much like hack-man but i like it.

    funny how with all the billions of faces taht don't look alike, when people model a face without reference it turns into something that looks too generic to be human.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    aw play fair John! You can't casually throw in a sentence like "doesn't look too much like hack-man" without offering a critique! Scooby is trying to capture a likeness here, so I don't think a nice generic head is the result he's looking for.

    Gauss had a really good point about fixating on one Gene Hackman from one movie, as opposed to getting confused by lots of different looks.

    Some more thoughts after looking at it again Scoob:

    I still think the head is sitting too far back on the body. That and the furrowed brow is giving him the appearance of him pushing his head back into his neck like hes in some kind of expression of confusion or shock or something.

    Stuff to think about/try perhaps:

    1) The top of Hackmans head is higher I think. Your model looks almost chimp-esque because of the small skull.

    2) I don't think Hackmans ears are quite that sticky outy.

    3) The infraorbital brow/cheek indentation is still a little strong in your model I think. Not so much the infraorbital line but under the cheekbone itself is too deep perhaps:

    4) Something thats very distinctive in Hackman is his hairline which starts unusually far back even for a balding man, particularly at the sides. http://www.del-rio.net/images/festival/medium/2000_0511_Gene_Hackman_1246-6-5.jpg So there's some stuff in texturing/detailing to come that would help nail the likness I think. You're maybe expecting too much to nail it in geometry alone is my point.

    5) Try picking out a pic of him and putting your model in the exact same angle/pose and light it in a similar way. It really helps to see what's out.

    6) Remember, this stuff is really hard. Especially without really good ref. You're so goddam close. Like I said before, that last 5% is the hardest by far.
  • ewooz
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    ewooz polycounter lvl 18
    I've been following this tread, and I just want to say that I'm really impressed by this Hackman bust ScoobyDoofus ! It is far harder to make something like that, compared to the average gargoyle or demon. I'm not trying to have a go at fantasy stuff, it is just that it leaves more room for "error", whilst if you want to model something from life and make it work in all 3 dimensions you gotta get it pretty spot on. The human eye sees faults in things far more accurately than we would like it sometimes wink.gif

    I agree with Daz, it looks like he has got his shoulders pressed up and neck tightened. He looks stressed. It is really close to look like Gene Hackman, but in the last images he also has a hint of Dennis Hopper just a hint. I guess it is because the 5% as Daz puts it needs to get there... But still, amazing work, it is the stuff that will make you be far more attractive in the market.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Geez, thank you so much guys for your help! I really mean it. This sort of feedback is invaluable, and what praise I have gotten really pushes me to finish this and make it 100% perfect.

    I think a few things throwing the likeness off is the lack of eyeballs, hair & a texture. (I agree Daz, geometry will only go so far in making this look like Hackman)
    I hadn't really considered his head as being "small". Now that I look at it though and your "chimp" comment, I totally see it. The wide ears really contribute to this as well. The strange perspective of the Zbrush interface also throws me a bit. When I export from ZB>Max, the model looks totally different.

    It has really been helping me to take a day or two away from it, and come back. That really helps restore any lost objectivity.

    I'm going to review all your comments, and try to work something out tonight or tomorrow.

    Its tough only being able to practice 3D art in my limited off time. I need to just stop procrastinating and get a freakin' 3D job already! Fear of rejection be damned! hehe
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