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polycounter lvl 18
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Crylar polycounter lvl 18
Yeah, I seem not to be able to post WIP pics, but this is the model I just finished.
It weights 2304 triangles.
The name is taken from the Lotus clan in the game Battle realms, though the charaacter don't have a connection to them. I just picked that name cause he has the same 'sick' look. Also I was very much inspired by the graphics in the game KillZone.


  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    cool one

    he has too many abs tho on the texture and muscles seem misplaced...I'd also have used less polygons for the belts and folds to be able to make a real hand with fingers (a 3-fingers hand would be a lot better than the block hand).

    overall, the texture is cool but needs some more love, like color variations, details an such, it looks a bit monochromatic right now (and even if you want a monochromatic look, you still can add subtle color variations in it, to give more depth to the texture).
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    I like it! Shapes are slick. Checking out your portfolio now.
  • Crylar
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    Crylar polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, the belts ended up taking way to much polys, it was supposed to be a 1500 triangle model, but well, I learned from it.
    Muscles may be missplaced, I still havn't got a good feeling for that.
    The texture are supposed to be very very gray (that's were the Killzone insperation struck)

    About the muscles, I used this pic as reference
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks good.

    That reference you've used, notice the lowest abdominal muscle goes down toward the crotch and the top one is about half way up the torso. You've squashed the abs on the texture into too small an area - they should start higher and go lower.

    It also feels like the whole model has been stretched vertically. Not sure why that is... maybe it's just me.

    The arm anatomy is really bad. The elbow is in completely the wrong place, meaning the forearm is far too short and the hands appear too small.

    The texture, even if it's meant to be very grey, could definitely be pushed to have colour variation in the shadows and highlights. Sure, grey could be a style, but there's not enough to pick it out right now, all the elements are too similar.

    It's a fairly good design, just needs a lot of anatomy and proportion work, and a bit more colour in the texture.

    Keep it up.
  • Crylar
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    Crylar polycounter lvl 18
    Oops, I found lots of unused triangles, I think they must have been created when I exported from 3dWings too Maya. Heh, I thought it was too many.

    Hmm, the forearms do look a bit to short, and I think I will find more stuff wrong now when rigging it.

    But the "stretched vertically" I can't see.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Perhaps I should be clearer: The forearm is not a "bit too short", it's nearly entirely wrong. You really need to look at some reference and correct that area before moving onto rigging.

    I think may be just talking nonsense about the stretched vertically thing, it's not a problem really. The arms really need to be re-worked, though, and those abs would be a fairly easy texture fix, I think.
  • Crylar
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    Crylar polycounter lvl 18
    Umm, the fore arms are to short, and that I will take care of.
    But what more was it you thought was wrong?
    The abs I will fix too.
    But also, he's supposed to be a little weird, hence the gray skin color. So all are not meant to be 100% anatolicly correct.

    Heh, I found that for some reason half of the belts was in 10 copies, so it really is 1504 triangles.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    I actually really like the character, despite it's construction flaws. Reminds me of a gothy ironman. I'd say amp up the color choices, even if you are going for pale and sickly, that doesn't mean your color pallette has to be bland and lifeless. Vary up the hues, and use a different color for the shadows on the upper facing parts of the arm, than the lower. Right now it looks like he has dirt in all his crevaces, instead of shading.

    I'd work on addying some assymetry, as he looks a bit ghetto, so I'd think his costume would be more piecemeal, than perfectly put together.

    After fixing the arm lenght, I'd just try to put him in a more dynamic pose. It can really help you get a feel for the character, and adds a ton to the presentation (especially if you aren't going to rig or animate him).
  • Crylar
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    Crylar polycounter lvl 18
    I know these doesn't differ that much
    But I still think the one to the right looks better, or atleast more like the look I'm going for.

    His arms are 'better' now, and as you can see his abs are now also better.

    I will put him in a better more alive pose, right now he's very stiff looking.

    He won't have any assymetry, he's not really that much ghetto, what he wears is a standard soildier uniform (for his people, yeah I know, more cool looking then effective).

    So right now, he looks like this
    and that's probably his final.
    The flaws in proportions that I know are there will from now be his HERO proportions tongue.gif
    cause he's supposed to look a bit special.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    That's a lot better, for sure.
    The elbow is still too low, though, and that's a REALLY sharp edge you have on the inside of the arm at the elbow. You should really round that out... sharp edges like that are not natural in organic shapes.
    Keep it up.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I love it. I simply love it.
  • Crylar
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    Crylar polycounter lvl 18
    And here are some pose shots and the texture.
    I'm working on a running cycle, and I think I will make more then one.
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    i think the abdomianl area looks really good now, however the arms still bother me. From the side it looks fine, like a real spindly-looking arm, but from the front the forearm geometry looks a little off and the bicep-shoulder texture seems a little too low on the arm and too angular (possibly?).

    but thats all i can really figure in a realism crit.

    but in my opinion i think the helmet could use more pizazz. More metal grain/shine/scratches etc? but i hate to sound cliche so its all you there smile.gif
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