I bought a PS2 recently and God of War has rekindled my interest in console gaming. So, what other games out there would you say are "must haves" for the PS2? Xbox? I don't own a Game Cube (yet) but I don't want to leave anyone out so GC owners go ahead and list your faves too.
My list:
- God of War (only one I have played so far but AWESOME)
- PoP: SoT
- Burnout 3
Soul Calibur
Various rpg and turn based strat/rpg's, I'm mostly a computer gamer so it amazing that I'm buying anything for consoles...
Devil May Cry 3
Metal Gear Solid 3 (just be warned lengthy cinematics, but it gets good, real good)
Gradius 5
Oxnary has already mentioned Katamari.
As for the X-Box:
Burnout revenge
Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (So Much fun though kinda short you may wanna rent it)
Oddworld: Strangers Wrath
Forza Motorsport
Ninja Giaden Black will be out on tuesday and I believe it sells for $30.
The Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank series are all great platformers, and if you can find it Klonoa 2 is a lot fun.
There's also all the GTAs, Final Fantasy's and access to the Ps1 library.
and yes, get Katamari and ICO.
Devil May Cry 3
GTA Series
Katamari Darcy
Star Ocean 3
Suikiden is pretty good
Gran Turismo 4
Guilty Gear X
Ninja Gaiden (Highly Recommended)
Prince of Persia (First one)
NFS:U is pretty fun
The New Hulk Game
Crimson Skies
Those are good ones
Metroid Prime (the first one, I didn't like the second as much)
Wind Waker
Viewtiful Joe
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Resident Evil 4
Eternal Darkness (not my preference but many like it)
Soul Calibur 2 (the only fighting game you can play with friends)
I have a PS2 but none of the games I have qualify as "must have".
I'd strike Final Fantasy X and Star Ocean 3 from Sonic's list, both are nice but too flawed to be called "must haves".
I'd strike Final Fantasy X and Star Ocean 3 from Sonic's list, both are nice but too flawed to be called "must haves".
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How so? I could possibly see that with SO3, but FFX?
i also couldn't imagine 5 pissed-up people crowding round a PC to play Bishi Bashi Special
It's like the old "defeat the player" mentality just with "difficulty" as a weapon replaced with "frustration and tediousness".
Against FFX: For example, I'm stuck at the third fight with Seymour, the guy kills me with one hit. The way to get there was hours upon hours of walking along a narrow, linear path (no branches, environment or anything else to break it up) with random encounters roughly every five steps. The monsters are fairly strong and repetitive, after a few minutes I just ran from every fight because it was more tedious and boring than Lineage 2. It still took two hours to walk along that path (interrupted every two seconds with a fight that takes roughly a minute with intro and all, even if you just escape). Can you imagine how incredibly annoyed I was at the time I reached the end? And there's a boss that might or might not require a trick to defeat but every time I want to try it I have to wait through fifteen fucking minutes of cutscenes (that's fifteen minutes skipping all skippable dialogue). Bite me, that's below mediocre, that's downright crap. Never mind the idiotic characters (Only upside: It doesn't include Squall). Sheesh, why is Yuna even allowed to follow you? I mean, doesn't Down's syndrome disqualify you from world saving?
It's like the old "defeat the player" mentality just with "difficulty" as a weapon replaced with "frustration and tediousness".
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I'm crap at FFX
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It still took two hours to walk along that path (interrupted every two seconds with a fight that takes roughly a minute with intro and all, even if you just escape). Can you imagine how incredibly annoyed I was at the time I reached the end? And there's a boss that might or might not require a trick to defeat but every time I want to try it I have to wait through fifteen fucking minutes of cutscenes (that's fifteen minutes skipping all skippable dialogue). Bite me, that's below mediocre, that's downright crap. Never mind the idiotic characters (Only upside: It doesn't include Squall). Sheesh, why is Yuna even allowed to follow you? I mean, doesn't Down's syndrome disqualify you from world saving?
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I hear ya!!! I played FFx not too long ago after having it talked up to me by co-workers. OOF!! What a painful piece of trite to have to sit through, After sitting on my couch for about 12 hours and only 4 of it counted as actual gameplay hours I got mad and gave up, I died once and after clicking through 40 mins of cinematics and story telling points my patiencs=e wore very thin. I atleast got 15 bucks trade in credit for it. I generally have a lot of patiencewhen It comes to many games but the design of today's "Console" rpg's just stinks of bad design and dull gameplay and metrosexual male characters.
Fighting games don't exist on the PC for some reason and are better with a control pad anyway, GTA is actually better on the PC...
Tekken 5
Fighting games don't exist on the PC for some reason and are better with a control pad anyway, GTA is actually better on the PC...
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I liked GTA:SA PS2 version more than PC one, at first the controls felt awkward (it was the first time i played GTA on console) but after i got used to it then keyboards/mouse combo felt terrible (you might say that you can free aim with mouse but IMHO auto aim suits GTA much better).
eternal darkness: i expected something dark and gloomy given the lovecraft setting. however it's rather funny at times - the humour seems non-intended but it's still there
also the limited camera angle makes it frustrating to play at times. you don't even see what's attack the character - grrr. still, the sanity effects are very well done. it's an easy game so maybe good for a rent.
FFX is great, linear at times, yes (however at a certain point late in the storyline, it really opens up). i got stuck with some boss fights, too. level up a little and also get your characters and aeons on overdrive prior to the battle. then it's rather smooth for anything but the very last bosses.
i blasted that seymour guy away at times without him getting a single chance to strike back. yunalesca and that morphing thing (stone?) which are supposed to be hard bosses were pieces of cake with that method as well.
I have a feeling I need to spend at least two hours levelling, currently he wipes out my party with one attack. I have all aeons charged up but it's futile, doesn't even take half his health and after that it's at most two more turns until he kills everybody (why you can't come back from the dead and kick his ass I don't know).
If you want shooters, buying them for the PS2 is a waste of money. There's tons of free shooters out there for the PC. The commercial ones aren't necessarily any better. Except for Gradius V, that's made by Treasure. And Treasure sometimes makes awesome games (they do make bad ones though so read reviews).
Does the Gameboy count as a console or is this thread only for the TV-based variety?
right now, while playing FFX-2, i'm remembering those lessons learnt.
btw. there's a huge difference between playing a good console shooter and some shareware or free pc-shooter. a shooter can actually have depth and clever game design, most of the stuff on pc is mediocre or even awful.
Thomas: You certainly have a lot of patience.
There's also a big difference between some random freeware shmup for the PC and a good freeware shmup for the PC. Just as there's a difference between a bad shmup for the console and the big flagship shmups for the console. Iridion II is a console game and it sucks vs. TUMIKI Fighters which is a good PC shmup.
5.OTOGI 1 & 2
4.NARUTO 1,2 & 3
Just some of my top picks, maybe not must haves for everyone, but I think they're some of the upper tier.
Burn your consoles, and get back to 3D modeling or work which ever is more important to you.
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That's what I do 8+ hours a day already. Besides, playing games is "work"; It's all about the R&D, baby
Resident Evil 4
Zelda the windwaker
Burnout 3
Oddworld stranger
Street fighter anniversay collection (sf2+sf3-3rd strike)
Ps2 :
GTA san andreas
GTA vice city
Wipeout Fusion
God of War
Halo 2
Forza Motorsport
Resident Evil 4