Hi everyone.
After using VNC the other day, my max viewport has kind of killed itself. It randomly shows edges as I move or rotate through the viewport (whether edges are turned on or off) and now when I rotate, all objects are drawn as bounding boxes (I know there is some way to change that in the preferences, but I couldn't find it for the life of me).
A friend of mine had similar problems after using VNC. He had to fix it by reinstalling, but I was hoping for some sort of fix without having to do that (it's such a pain backing up all my max files and plugins).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It also sounds like when its drawing the edges of your model they are clipping into the faces being drawn. Almost sounds like a video card driver issue? Maybe try swapping rendering contexts. (ogl if dx, or dx if ogl).
I'll try switching drivers, see if that helps.
By golly, the darn O key! Ha. That must have happened when I was beating my keyboard senseless, whilst trying to figure out what was wrong with my viewport.
Thank ye, fine sir!
Strange that this VNC program changed something in how the renderer works... a bit scary to me.
By the way, Forsaken is looking sweet. I've been a fan for a while now