"Here Come the Bastards" by Primus is the perfect soundtrack to the video. If you start the song about two seconds before the video, it synchs up perfectly.
Damn. They really don't like people to have a good time in Utah.
"Stop drinking, dancing, and having fun, or we will shoot you!"
Bit overkill, but I didn't see any brutality. And it is perfectly legal to video police at any time. It also seems that the justification for the party break up might infringe on the right to lawful assembly. Unless they had strong evidence that the assembly was specifically "criminal", which would mean the issue of permits, the cops really don't have the right to break up the hoe down.
awww someone angry that they got their rave shut down? This is a one sided story. in the video there is nothing out of the ordinary if the people are being brought down they didnt just get singled out. Apparently they were doing something wrong. I saw a tazer laser sight at one point which means they weren't using lethal force. Also, the dogs are there just for intimidation or to bring them down if they accualy do run away (stupid idea).
As far as them shutting it down, yeah they have the right. If they didn't have the permits to do run an event like that on private property.
As far as the "beatings" go... i dont see anything in the video where they are hitting them. only taking them down.
As far as the "shut it down now or i'll kick your ass in jail" sounds like someones trying to twist his words. I hear "Shut it down now or i'll take your ass to jail."
I really dislike this jump to accuse police of brutality. Honestly... this is the united states. Its not some dictatorship. We have nothing to complain about.
neo: As far as them not having a permit to do it on private property:
The police have publicly stated that only a permit from the health department was obtained, and that a Utah mass gathering permit was needed. The promoters have stated that they had the required permit, and have given a permit number (# 2005-11). Jay Stone, who handles mass gathering permits for the Utah County Health Department’s Bureau of Environmental Health Services, has confirmed that the permit was applied for and granted for the party.
[/ QUOTE ]
As far as the beatings go, I saw one 'officer' (fellow wearing camo and a helmet) walk over and kick someone in the video. It's evident if you watch it carefully.
I don't think this is brutality, but I disagree with them shutting down the entire thing. They should have just sent people in to arrest anyone doing anything illegal instead of killing the entire thing.
I used to be more willing to side with the police in the past but after going to college and mixing with different races I was exposed to the extreme douchebaggery practiced by police. I was surprised to find out that cops do pull people over for D.O.B. (Driving While Black). I think the cop was surprised to see me sitting in the back.
I didn't say it dosn't happen. I know it does. Just not as often as people would like to point out. I've experianced the you're a teenager and you're driving around past 11 so you're obviously up to no good. We go taked out of our car and searched. My friend had some tools in his trunk and they were asking why he had a phillips head screwdriver and something else in his trunk. Cops can be silly and emply things but it's thier job to be suspicious. Now... if any of us were black then i suppose it would have been a DWB? The cop literaly told us "It's illegal to make any u-turn anywhere in this city." We looked that up, it was a lie. We just went along with everything and laughed it off. Its funny if you think about it.
Weiser: Silly man! ;D
Dukester: I'm not old by any means but I guess i just fit in better with older more mature people. Extreamly loud music at ungodly hours of the night really pisses me off too.
Dukester: I'm not old by any means but I guess i just fit in better with older more mature people. Extreamly loud music at ungodly hours of the night really pisses me off too.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was not casting any aspersions on joor character.
Everyone here who see's me post in a thread like this automatically knows I am gonna be for kicking in the heads of the flower childen! It's a given i thought!
What i meant was exactly this...
I got no patience for loud parties whthin my earshot.
ow if they are out of my earshot, I don't have any opinion
I've never been much of a hip hop fan, but I can think of two hip hop groups off the top of my head that kick ass: Deltron 3030 and DJ Shadow. And then there's 'trip hop,' which is usually pretty cool. Try listening to "Walkie Talkie" by DJ Shadow and "Memory Loss" by Deltron 3030, and then see if you still don't like hip hop.
Ya know, whatever your feeling about this, it's really fascinating to watch it unfold on the ground, and then watch the police helicopter video version afterward :
The first video seems to show America the police state, employing over the top heavy handed tactics in the form of SWAT guys, dogs and helicopters used to stop the kids from having a good time.
The second video seems to shows law enforcement officers viewing a situation from the air, with people displayed in the night vision as drug crazed teenagers hellbent on doing themselves or others harm. So weird to see them wildly flailing themselves around dancing in 'night vision'. Usually when you see people displayed like that they're running away from their imminent demise at the hands of high tech weaponry. But anyway, the cops here were probably briefed on the operation and executed it as a drug raid and so took it as seriously as such.
Just seeing the two perspectives there is just plain interesting. A rare sneek at both sides of a story.
Notice I avoided giving an actual opinion ( but I did used to frequent Glastonbury in my youth ;-p ) You just wait til Dabu get's here!!
Ever since Hip Hop was accepted as music even the sound of a pneumatic drill qualifies as music.
[/ QUOTE ]
even worse, a "ringdingdingdingdingidndindingidng" was a #1 hit.
the 00's suck arse
[/ QUOTE ]
Is the "ringdingding..." thing a joke, or is that the title of an actual song? There has been some great music released thus far in the 00's, you just have to look past the MTVs and commercial radio.
This is classic behavior of Utah police....These kids out in the middle of nowheresville partying and some people must be having too good of a time so it's time to shut them down. There wasn't a fight, there wasn't any violence until the cops showed up. They had permits to party and the cops denied that. From both videos it looked like a very casual scene. If their only probable cause to show up in full military combat gear, dogs and a chopper is recreational drugs then we got our priorities all jacked up IMO. They need to go catch some criminals and leave the treehuggers out in the woods.
there were tons of unlicensed firearms there as well as tons of illegal drug use. ecstasy and a glock do not mix. this isnt a "police state," this wasnt "facism" this was cops doing what they should have.
It said there was 1 pistol in the house of the people hosting the party - that's allowed here in the U.S. as long as it's registered. It's even allowed to carry a concealed pistol on you as long as you have a permit. You're right Ecstacy and glocks don't mix - the tripping people wouldn't have the heart to use them. I'd wager that the number of violent crimes related to Ecstacy are at a negative value. If there ever was one, it's probably because someone tried to make love to the glock.
Usually police are instructed to follow a live-and-let-live policy. Unless there's a problem an officer will rarely bust you for something such as possession of marijuana, shrooms, X, coke, etc. I've known 2 officers personally who USE these rec drugs. Does that make them bad cops? Hell no. I'd probably use it too if I had to deal with the shit they do on a daily basis. These cops went way out of their way to stage a big show based on just the suspicion of drugs and bust up a perfectly good party. Not cool.
to be quite honest.. i'd rather have policement that get the job done with the use of force that have policemen that would rather take the nice and polite approach...
Do you want a sissy cop ? I sure dont. People can sing about democracy and freedom and that they can do whatever they damn please, but the thin line gets blurred when it comes to military and law enforcement, they are the law.
To be honest i'd rather have a policeman do his job rather than a policeman that contemplates whether or not he somehow made someone uncomfortable or handled something undemocratically.
This isn't about the individual officers and whether or not they are "too macho" or "too sissy." The issue is whether or not the decision should have been made in the first place to send in the SWAT in full body armor with militaristic techniques, weapons and attack dogs to break up a party with a bunch of kids.
"Stop drinking, dancing, and having fun, or we will shoot you!"
Bit overkill, but I didn't see any brutality. And it is perfectly legal to video police at any time. It also seems that the justification for the party break up might infringe on the right to lawful assembly. Unless they had strong evidence that the assembly was specifically "criminal", which would mean the issue of permits, the cops really don't have the right to break up the hoe down.
As far as them shutting it down, yeah they have the right. If they didn't have the permits to do run an event like that on private property.
As far as the "beatings" go... i dont see anything in the video where they are hitting them. only taking them down.
As far as the "shut it down now or i'll kick your ass in jail" sounds like someones trying to twist his words. I hear "Shut it down now or i'll take your ass to jail."
I really dislike this jump to accuse police of brutality. Honestly... this is the united states. Its not some dictatorship. We have nothing to complain about.
The police have publicly stated that only a permit from the health department was obtained, and that a Utah mass gathering permit was needed. The promoters have stated that they had the required permit, and have given a permit number (# 2005-11). Jay Stone, who handles mass gathering permits for the Utah County Health Department’s Bureau of Environmental Health Services, has confirmed that the permit was applied for and granted for the party.
[/ QUOTE ]
As far as the beatings go, I saw one 'officer' (fellow wearing camo and a helmet) walk over and kick someone in the video. It's evident if you watch it carefully.
I don't think this is brutality, but I disagree with them shutting down the entire thing. They should have just sent people in to arrest anyone doing anything illegal instead of killing the entire thing.
Honestly... this is the united states. Its not some dictatorship. We have nothing to complain about.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have a load of shit to complain about.
Weiser: Silly man! ;D
Dukester: I'm not old by any means but I guess i just fit in better with older more mature people. Extreamly loud music at ungodly hours of the night really pisses me off too.
Dukester: I'm not old by any means but I guess i just fit in better with older more mature people. Extreamly loud music at ungodly hours of the night really pisses me off too.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was not casting any aspersions on joor character.
Everyone here who see's me post in a thread like this automatically knows I am gonna be for kicking in the heads of the flower childen! It's a given i thought!
What i meant was exactly this...
I got no patience for loud parties whthin my earshot.
ow if they are out of my earshot, I don't have any opinion
The first video seems to show America the police state, employing over the top heavy handed tactics in the form of SWAT guys, dogs and helicopters used to stop the kids from having a good time.
The second video seems to shows law enforcement officers viewing a situation from the air, with people displayed in the night vision as drug crazed teenagers hellbent on doing themselves or others harm. So weird to see them wildly flailing themselves around dancing in 'night vision'. Usually when you see people displayed like that they're running away from their imminent demise at the hands of high tech weaponry. But anyway, the cops here were probably briefed on the operation and executed it as a drug raid and so took it as seriously as such.
Just seeing the two perspectives there is just plain interesting. A rare sneek at both sides of a story.
Notice I avoided giving an actual opinion
Ever since Hip Hop was accepted as music even the sound of a pneumatic drill qualifies as music.
[/ QUOTE ]
even worse, a "ringdingdingdingdingidndindingidng" was a #1 hit.
the 00's suck arse
Ever since Hip Hop was accepted as music even the sound of a pneumatic drill qualifies as music.
[/ QUOTE ]
even worse, a "ringdingdingdingdingidndindingidng" was a #1 hit.
the 00's suck arse
[/ QUOTE ]
Is the "ringdingding..." thing a joke, or is that the title of an actual song? There has been some great music released thus far in the 00's, you just have to look past the MTVs and commercial radio.
Daz is an expert sidestepper!
but I did used to frequent Glastonbury in my youth
[/ QUOTE ]
heh can you image the police trying to do the same at Glastonbury? HAHA they'd be trying to find people in the mud constantly.
Usually police are instructed to follow a live-and-let-live policy. Unless there's a problem an officer will rarely bust you for something such as possession of marijuana, shrooms, X, coke, etc. I've known 2 officers personally who USE these rec drugs. Does that make them bad cops? Hell no. I'd probably use it too if I had to deal with the shit they do on a daily basis. These cops went way out of their way to stage a big show based on just the suspicion of drugs and bust up a perfectly good party. Not cool.
Do you want a sissy cop ? I sure dont. People can sing about democracy and freedom and that they can do whatever they damn please, but the thin line gets blurred when it comes to military and law enforcement, they are the law.
To be honest i'd rather have a policeman do his job rather than a policeman that contemplates whether or not he somehow made someone uncomfortable or handled something undemocratically.
Do you want a sissy cop ? I sure dont.
[/ QUOTE ]
This isn't about the individual officers and whether or not they are "too macho" or "too sissy." The issue is whether or not the decision should have been made in the first place to send in the SWAT in full body armor with militaristic techniques, weapons and attack dogs to break up a party with a bunch of kids.
some of the violence was unneccesary but it's really hard to distinguish who is hostile and who is not within a crowd