I've been playing with this cool plugin for 3ds max called
CoolPicker. It replaces the standard sucky color palette with some nice color tools, so I thought it'd be nice to share.
Here are some screenies...

In the MIXER pane, left-click paints with the current color, right-click smears painted colors together, and middle-click eyedrops the colors. Very useful for mixing, a nice digital equivalent to a traditional painter's palette.
Wish I had something like this for Photoshop.
In the MIXER pane, left-click paints with the current color, right-click smears painted colors together, and middle-click eyedrops the colors. Very useful for mixing, a nice digital equivalent to a traditional painter's palette.
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Yea, they have a mixer exactly like that in Paint Shop Pro. It's awsome.
I emailed the CoolPicker author, asked if he's willing to port it... we'll see.
I got an addition for you... a slot to drop in the hex color code so you can copy / paste values from photoshop!
I really like the triangle picker, very quick.