I startet my first model using edit poly a week ago. I needed a highpoly model for some fooling around with normalmaps. So far I only worked with edit mesh, so it was actually a lot of fun to do this. But somehow I still have to find a way to work better, it took me propably around 10 hours to do this guy
I just built him by extruding edges, slicing, and so on. No sphere or box as a base. I also couldn't avoid some tris here and there. Mainly because I would have had too many edge loops without using tris.
He is supposed to be a Barry the baptist/Max Payne alike character. I just got to the point where I can't see anymore what is good and what needs work, this is why I am posting it here
So let the criticism come, I will definately spend some more time on the mesh.
btw, I'll post all the future stuff in this thread, I aim for a lowpoly head with a normal map and a nice skin
Some of the loops outside the top corner of the upper lip aren't too good, they would deform pretty badly when animated.
Not too sure about the scar/wrinkle on his forehead... looks kinda weird. The rest is good though.
Has quite a lot of character, and the proportions look fine to me.
Would you recommend to add another whole loop around the mouth instead of connecting the top corner of the upper lips to the wrinkle?
The scar should be a wrinkle, my reference I loosely sticked to had that kind of wrinkle there. But it was an adition I did in the last second, I didn't check yet If I made it correct at all.
Thanks for the help mate!
edit: Oh and after looking at it with some help from my father, I noticed that the way the ear connects to the head is quite wrong, I'm going to fix that. And the position of the ear should be a bit more towards his face
Secondly, there's a really hard edge at where I think you ment to place his cheekbone (bit high).
It makes your model look kinda messy, because they are such eyecatchers, and actually makes it look like this guy has metal plates under his skin. Your wires shows you welded a few vertexes at the creases close to his mouth. which probably explains the weird smoothing around his mouth.
And lastly the area between his nose and upper lip is really huge, might want to look at that.
Are you going give him to displacement and bump maps?
Thanks for the hint with the cheekbone, I'm definately going to smooth that area out a bit. metal plates were not the look I was going for.
I think the space between the nose and the upper lip is ok, since the upper lip begins earlier than you can notice on the model. The guy in my ref has that kind of upper lip, it's mainly the texture and the color that makes the begin of the upper lip noticable.