how's everybody doing? good? cool..
so, uh, for those that knew me and wonder what i've been up to: i haven't been doing much of anything! i have one quarter left; graduating december and things are pretty good for me.
i am currently producing the
least amount of artwork i ever have during my entire aipx life-time feeling pretty tired, drained, and unmotivated - that whole thing and just finding strength to do the school thing. what better than having to work on giagantic poster-sized digital painting!?
this one will meet its end. i have yet to paint it's hair and insect legs and fine polish it. it's for an assignment and scheduled to be printed .. the begining of next week. we are being pushed to make cut-outs for our portfolio presentations, surprisingly enough, that is what it's for. it's at 300 dpi and is around 40 inches tall - it takes about 3 minutes to save. i'm thinking i could get away with a much lower dpi for the cut-out, i may trade some resolution for size, who knows.
i've received some comments regarding the lack of symmetry in his face. it does look funny but i'm not sure where i'll end up going with it.
reading received criticism online is funny; some people say something is too big, another will say it's too small .. so don't be offended if you feel your comments are being ignored by me, i read and consider them if you're looking to comment.
they should also be higher from what it looks like, Other than that, nice jorb!
You can easily go to 150 dpi--there's really no reason to do 300 for a large image standee. Hi-res's like 300 are good if you've got fine text that needs to be read or it's going to be printed in a magazine and examined up close, but barring that, it makes more sense to go 150. The difference will be negligable and you can stay at your original print size.
If he's gonna be 40" tall, then 40" x 150 = 6000px tall. If you're working @ 300 and are at 12000px tall, well, that's impressive.
i say stick with 300 dpi printed on photo paper, people coming up to your booth will cream. Although you'll have to see if the place you're printing at charges for the amount of time it takes to "send" the file to the printer. A 300 dpi image will take some time but if they dont charge for the time it takes to print it then i say GO FOR IT!
dont forget about CMYK, if your painting in rgb and it goes to that cmyk printer your colors will be funny. A good switch to cmyk and tweak when your done should be sufficient.
also get one of these
its a bigger version of the x-acto knife with bigger blades, you'll get smoother sexier cuts then the graphic design kids. It will also save your hands from seizing and kinking.
I'll buy one from you
I know you're planning on a cut-out but it'd sure read a lot better if you didn't use a green for the background that was so similar to your forground.
I did another one of my crap paintovers...
I changed the background color to something I felt made your subject matter pop a bit more..adjusted the levels on the char, again for contrast, and added some needed surface detail to the bug portion of the char for visual interest.
So as not to clog up your thread with images, a link:
Scoob's massacre of KP's awesome work
i can't polish a piece to save my life, so this is all about 200+ hours past where i would have stopped
but anyways the lower part of the body gets dark really fast, its like he has a spotlight above him. but the chest and head are equally lit, id expect the head even lighter than the chest.. and now u actually made it darker :?
regardless this is killer work!
look at those cute chubby cheeks makes you just wonna pinch them
leave some of that green so you dont lose that awesome hair.
I love it mucho.
my mockup.