I've just recently figured out that the computer i'm using has a god damned geforce fx 5200...damn you best buy. My dad placed the order for the computer, so i could have one where i can practice modelling, photoshop...etc. So, i suppose they didn't think i'd want to be playing video games on it. I need to know where i can get a 6800 or better cheap. I'd just like to know.
and the 7800's are only available if your system is pci express, which by the sounds of it isn't.
Most likely they thought "Uh, does anybody know what that "jeefors" is? Ah, give me one of the cheapest yu have, we'll just throw in a bigger CPU and advertise that to the suckers who think MHz is everything!".
My local computer shop gave a 7800 GT away last month to a 12 year old kid. WTF?!?!? I cried as such a young boy to hold the most expensive and most powerful video card out today. I hope the video card blows up on him
www.pricewatch.com is another place to shop/compare for the lowest prices.