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Maya Vertex baking?

polycounter lvl 18
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Badge polycounter lvl 18
Some how got distracted and i wanted to try "baking" lights and detail into a character, except i cant find any tutorials in maya about this. ive found a lot of it for Max ( but im not too proficient in it yet).

If someone could explain it to me a little, i feel like a real noob with this subject. and possible if somone could lemme know how i could achieve this in maya, id very much like to try it.


  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    quick clarification for me: you mean like baking the lighting to a texture or vertex baking on the model? I'm not so familar with the latter, and I'd be interested too.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    Maya software renderer to bake light info into a texture:

    Click on your mat. in the hypershade>edit>convert to file texture

    Mental ray for Maya:

    Once in render mode>lighting/Shading>Batch Bake Mental Ray and you can bake to either verts or texture. Jeffro has a tut ( for baking to texture ) : http://www.jeffparrott.com/tutorials.html
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    Forget using vertex colours in Max to bake, just bake out a lightmap in Maya mental ray, then apply using verious blend modes to get what you want in photoshop.

    1. put some lights in the scene that cast shadows

    2. uv map your model in the 0-1 range, if you have overlapping uv's move those uv's out of the 0-1 range for the bake and then move them back later.

    3. In Maya apply a white lambert shader to your object, select your object, edit polygons>colours>prelight(mentalray) click on the options box.

    4. change bake from vertex to lightmap and change fully lit and shaded to incoming illumination only, also turn shadows on.

    5. The rest of the options should be self explanitory. Click bake and it will put the file in the light maps folder underneath your current project, for example on my home pc. c:/art/lightmaps I have my project set to art. You can bake out finalgather too for some neat results.
  • Badge
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    Badge polycounter lvl 18
    awesome ill definetly check out the tut.

    thx alot.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Thanks for the plug Daz. I believe that there is an easy, one click button with bonus tools if you wanted to skip the whole tut.
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