Recently I've been poking around about the "pseudo-science" of astrology and was curious what everyone's astrological sign is. What I've been finding is that there's quite a bit of -interpretation- but that generally astrological descriptions seem to fit the personality fairly accurately. What I'm really wondering is if there is a sign that dominates the types of artistic fields that we discuss here at Polycount. (please choose two if your birthday falls on a cusp)
Gilda Radner
Jim Carrey
Andy Kaufman
Oliver Hardy
Dave Attel
Frank the Avenger
Pisces, maybe that's why I like water...hmmm
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Maybe that is why I like fish
Interestingly there is also this pseudo science that deals with blood group and character in Japan.
It is of course complete rubbish, but in my case it kinda seems to fit (I am btw "0, resusfactor negative"... which is about the rarest and most versatible donor blood group available; it just really sucks if I will ever need any
(I am btw "0, resusfactor negative"... which is about the rarest and most versatible donor blood group available; it just really sucks if I will ever need any
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I can use your blood but you can't use mine. HAHA!
Interestingly there is also this pseudo science that deals with blood group and character in Japan.
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I take it that's why old Tekken manuals etc had characters blood groups listed?
Always wondered what that was all about..
Interestingly there is also this pseudo science that deals with blood group and character in Japan.
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I take it that's why old Tekken manuals etc had characters blood groups listed?
Always wondered what that was all about..
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Yeah, Virtua Fighter had the same thing, and I always thought it was a bit weird. I always thought, "What, are they suggesting I give a blood transfusion if I lose the round?"
You sure your zodiac isn't Fnord?
Keyser: So does Street Fighter. Or any dating sim or anime. Probably some shmups as well.
we're in second place. damn you libras!
Virgin 4 life.
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You had a typo there
Virgin 4 life.
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You had a typo there
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Pisces..march 6th my birthday is the same as Michelangelo's...or for all you art history buffs.. Michaelangelo di Lodovico di Lionardo di Buonarroto Simoni
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oh yeah? I was born on the exact same day as Britney Spears
I'm cancer, but because of all its bad connotations I was thinking about changing to Leo. Leo has much better PR. It's so manly seeming.
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Well look on the bright side Daz,you share a birthday month with me
aquarius. Wow, so few aquarians...what the deal?
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I'm aquarius! woohoo!
You sure your zodiac isn't Fnord?
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Pisces..march 6th my birthday is the same as Michelangelo's...or for all you art history buffs.. Michaelangelo di Lodovico di Lionardo di Buonarroto Simoni
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oh yeah? I was born on the exact same day as Britney Spears
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Is that a good thing?
I've got the same day as Elisha Cuthbert, much better.
she refuses to comment.
so, think you could take Elisha?
no, its not a good thing. I've always felt we were destined to fight to the death in some sort of octagonal ring.
she refuses to comment.
so, think you could take Elisha?
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