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Trying to find an old Title (1998-2000)

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
I cant give much information.

-PC title
-It was around 99 to at the most early 2001.
-It was done by a eastern european (maybe west, but it wasn't a UK nor French one) developer (not croatia).
-It had supposedly an "epic" large world.
-Something about how you interacted with different tribes or groups would effect how they responded to you in the future (this could be way off).
-It was either a first or third person adventure.
-Its music was also getting Kudos because it used a real classical orchestra versus midi at the time.
-When it got released it seemed to fall under the radar. But I do remember it still had good reviews (at least I think it did).



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