I haven't pimped anything off in a while in fact I haven't had much time to do much of anything computer related...
/me wags fist at job!
The "plan" is to get this model to a stage where I can bring it into Z-Brush and start the learning process, MAYBE find a way to squeeze out a normal map? 2829 tri's right now trying to stay under 3000 for the final piece.
Something looks funky about the back feet/legs any pointers?

Also on the front legs the upper leg is smaller than the lower half. Doesn't seem practical.
Overall I really like the model; it has lots of character. Maybe you could toss a spike or something on the tail, though, as it looks bland compared to the rest.
How do you plan for this beast to attack? If it's a powerhouse like a wild pig or lion, it'll need a much stronger/bulky neck. I suggest giving it a large, bullish and tiger body. This will better balance the huge claws and massive head you have. If you want a more agile creature, reduce the large claws and head size, more like a cheetah. If I'm not mistaken, cheetahs use speed to catch and bite the neck to suffocate it's prey. Where as larger cats, lions and tigers, use massive jaws to snap the neck. Boars use large heads to ram and tusks to gore, but this is purely defensive.
Looks like an ok model overall, head shape and skinniness kinda bugs me though. Looks like a good model to make one of those zbrush organic abominations. :þ
But looks kewl