My wife and I just recently came into some money.
Some of which is being used to pay off *ALL* of our current debt. (bye bye student loans and car payments).
I also recently took a step back in regards to employment after DS2 shipped. (I no longer am employed at GPG but still work in the industry.)
So, I am now thinking towards the furture now and what I/We should do. I have 2 very great oppertunities to decide and want some grounded and objective opinions.
1) Purchase of a home:
Pros: Place of our own, equity
Cons: Unstable employment, morgage
2) Starting a buiness:
Pros: Be the boss, good job, possibly steady employment
Cons: Huge loss risk, INSANE amounts of work
Ive done TONS of reading, research and thinking on both subjects and I am trying to be very informed before really pursuing either.
Do you need a house right now? And is starting a business where your heart lies?
Starting a business is bad idea unless you have TONS of cash/investors or awesome business plan, small businesses tend to sink in current financial climate.
Cheers to making the right one!
Same goes for the house... really think about if you are ready to *really* settle down in one place
Anyways, can't really help you decide, since it is ultimatly up to your own preference, but I would probably go for the business side of things (settling down *scares* me
Real estate is almost always a good investment. If you buy a home you will be building equity instead of throwing your money away on rent every month.
Running your own business sounds nice but realistically the majority of businesses fail in the first year or two.
My .02¢
My producer recently had a similar situation. He bought a new house, started his own business and his wife had a baby. It's a lot of hard work, but they are really happy and things are going great. Maybe it's the right time to make your moves. If your confident in it, make your steps.
I wish I had the chance to start something earlier when I could afford more risks. Now I have the family and house, and it's much harder to break away and start a business.
The home is an excellent investment, but I would definitely wait until you have something for an income rolling in again. The house will continue to suck money, a little at a time and will tend to keep you from gaining enough to start a business later (not that it couldn't be done).
I appreciate the feedback and thoughts.
Notman - that was my thoughts too, a family/house drains the funds, so thats less money to save towards an investment.
I have a buisness plan in the works and am going to pursue professional finicial advice fairly soon as well. For the type of buisness(es) I have in mind I feel confident in running. I wouldnt attempt it otherwise.
I just need to beable to make some educated decisions.
I was reaing a very suprising and very informative blog last week about hosting . I was suprised about the owner of the company admiting how profitable it was . He pretty much admited how ridicules it was profit vs overhead ... Here is a link to the blog look for the entry called " Web hosting is easy " Of course if you have enough money you could always start a game company
Invest the cash. Use it when the time is right. Just because you suddenly came into a lot of money doesnt mean you have to spend it as soon as possible...
Or like was said, go to an independant financial advisor. someone who's job it is to help you. Dont ask a bunch of random people on the internet.
Or if you do want to take my advice, send half to me and spend the rest on coke and hookers.
Thanks guys.
go to Vegas and put it all on black
[/ QUOTE ]
by "black" he means my wallet. It's black!