thought occured to me... who exactly is in charge of hiring at most game companies (of various sizes)? You would assume most of the people that would know whether an applicant had skill are people who are already busy working on a project... and I question as to whether game companies who are serious about who they employ would hire either just a P.R. person or some generic outside company to sift through the applications... How's it handled where you work?
Human Resources handles pretty much all the paper work invovled with applicants/new hires. Team members ultimately have the say. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the correct team members are making the call.
So HR has to be looking, the AD has to like you, the CFO has to say there's money available, and then you can get a job. It's a group thing. Like an orgy.
HR doesn't have a foot in production so they base their descion off your leads and those that you interact with.
This what I have seen anyways.